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please lighting setup help needed

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  • please lighting setup help needed

    hi all
    i have been trying to learn vray for a month or more now but haven't been able to achieve realistic lighting effects whether its interior or exterior.i read a tutorial on evermotion regarding how to model an interior scene in max and render it with vray.
    i have been able to understand wat the tut offers but when i try to apply the similar principles to my own scene its again back to square one.
    i am attaching a scene here whcih i just modelled to understand the lighting setup for an interior scene.please natty and other experts help me setup realistic lighting for this one .i have tried it on my own .correct me where i am wrong.please its been a lot of frustration for me till now.
    i wanna learn vray like u guys.

    P.s The file is here
    VRAY addict

  • #2
    VRAY addict


    • #3
      Just downloaded the file, please give me some time to render it
      In the meantime, can you upload the image that you got with your settings?
      I will try to make it as good as i can (i'm not a vray proffesional but know a trick or two ), so if someone else can do the same thing, it would be great to see the different results.
      Hope to finish it soon (few hours maybe )


      • #4
        Here it is:

        This i jus a quick draft render that need to be tweaked more (but hey, you should be doind something too )
        Here is the render settings, remember that this is just a start, so you have to play with dark mulitplyer, GI settings and other stuff untill you reach an afordable render. Things that you put wrong
        1. Never put objects dyrectly one over another (or interpenetrating). Always put a little distance so that light and shadows could be captured. this adds to reality
        2. Direct light - you should make Vray area shaddows bigger so that you achieve shadow becomes bigger and blured as you go from the object that is casting it.
        3. Fill light (Vray light) I would set the no decay for the fill light and silghtly reduced multiplyer. Also try to play with "ignore light normals"
        4. Materials Someone said that the materials are half of the good render. From my opinion they are! Always make good and reallife based materials.

        If you want the file back (with changes), just send me a message
        Hope this helps!


        • #5
          hi trt smart
          u r the best...
          it is always a good feeling if someone replies to ur queries
          ur tips were very good
          and u didn't mention about my light settings.
          anyway i need the scen with ur efforts .
          ucan send it to me at

          thanx for the efforts bro
          take care

          VRAY addict


          • #6
            :: TrtSmrt how do you make the shadow areas bigger? ::


            • #7
              1.Try to decrease dark multplyer
              2. Decrease environment multiplyer
              3. decrease fill light

              There are just few possible ways to make shadow areas more dark.
              It depends what you whant to achieve.
              I'll try to make s small tutorial based on the haneet22's room, so that would give you some ideas of how to make light setup for interior renders.

              @haneet22 I'll send you the file.


              • #8
                thnx trt smart
                VRAY addict


                • #9
                  No problem
                  Sorry for waiting so long for these tuts, but i'm currently upgrading the computer and have no time to write it. Hope to finish in next few days!
                  Until then, feel free to experiment and ask all that you whant to know.

