when you are rendering with DR and cancel your rendering, the amount of ram used will continually increase due to a memory leak.
all you can do about it, is to restart the servers every now and then.
if you set up vray-spawner as a service, you may use the following script to do it for you:
use a text editor to edit the script to your needs.
if you start your renderslaves manually, or put the vrayspawner in the autostart-directory you can use this nifty tool to do it for you:
all you can do about it, is to restart the servers every now and then.
if you set up vray-spawner as a service, you may use the following script to do it for you:
use a text editor to edit the script to your needs.
if you start your renderslaves manually, or put the vrayspawner in the autostart-directory you can use this nifty tool to do it for you:
