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Refractive Caustics

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  • Refractive Caustics

    Is it possible to create refractive caustics using Vray for Blender, and if so could someone give me some tips please or poit me to a tutorial.

    Cheers, Wig

  • #2
    Hello, here is blend file:

    hdri file are from so you can find it there for free. For lighting setup I use JuhaW addon you can find it here:

    so first install this addon, than open blend file, and open your hdri file in domelamp node

    Bdancer told that best way to get rid of artefacts from domelap coustics, set photoncount from 1000 to 1 (select dome light and look in , and in sun lamp photon count increse ~4000-5000 (depends on situation.
    For water material it is important to tick off affect shadows (select node and in right panel settings seartch for that setting)
    I guess you know how to set displacement texture for vray. if something is not clear ask for more explanation.


    • #3
      Thanks a lot Stugys, that's good information to know. I was actually looking for this kind of effect. I will try your method see if it works and post back. I'm trying to follow MAX tutorials but cab't seem to find the same settings in Vray for Blender. Once again thanks a lot mate.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	caustics.JPG
Views:	143
Size:	65.1 KB
ID:	978057


      • #4
        Stugys good suggestions about the caustics settings, thanks! I've set up caustics before but had trouble with the right values. Here's a simple test, hope this file helps you Wig42. Not sure if it's obvious, but you have to enable caustics in the render settings.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Thanks a lot Andy, I'll study your file, thanks for sharing it. Hahaha, yeah it's pretty obvious about enabling caustics lol. Well I've been playing and adjusting settings all afternoon and I have got a couple of results, not 100% happy with them but they are the best I've managed so far.

          Thanks both of you for your help.



          • #6
            you are welcome, yeah i was forgot about coustics tick on, and if you whant more reaism, tick on "Enable dispersion"

