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Problem with chaos cosmos

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  • Problem with chaos cosmos

    Hello, I have recently purchased student license for corona renderer, I have activated everything. However when I try to start the chaos cosmos it says "There is a problem with

    Chaos Cosmos" , I will attach a screenshot below, thank you in advance.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	289653771_429553532364759_3474142846440719797_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e15_fr_s1080x1080&
Views:	942
Size:	36.0 KB
ID:	1151960

  • #2
    Hey nikoloz_lomidze ,

    Can you please create an issue here and attach your cb.log and config.json files, located at C:\Program files\Common files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos ?


    • #3

      I sent a support ticket, but I hope by now the problem is more known and a solution is possible. The Cosmos process just does not start, it is not visible in taskmanager. I guess the support team would now reset certain things. Could I also try this on my own already?

      I have reinstalled V-Ray for Rhino and also the latest version of Cosmos. That did not help.I need Cosmos for a project now.

      Micha ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        same problem here. any solution?


        • #5
          Hey there,

          The reason why we're asking all of you to create an issue in our tickets system and attach your cb.log and config.json files,​ is the fact that they contain sensitive information and it's not OK to share it publicly.

          There could be many reasons for this symptom, but usually the problem solves out when you delete the cpkg.db and cpkg.meta files (usually located in C:\Users\<YourUser>\Documents\ChaosCosmos\Packages), and restart Cosmos Browser.

          Still, we would be very kind if you provide us with the logs and configs, by posting a support ticket from the link above. This way we will be able to see what exactly went wrong, and possibly to provide a fix from which can benefit all users.

          Thank you for your cooperation!


          • #6
            Same here on mac, Sketchup + Vray, Student Licence ... no luck using your service since Cosmos became mandatory.. Tried all mentioned above, ..Ticket Issued
            Attached Files

