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Chaos Cosmos don't work anymore!

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  • Chaos Cosmos don't work anymore!

    Hi there.
    I'm encountering some issues with Cosmos Browser . From yesterday, when I open the browser window, I have the message "This site can't be reached. Localhost refused to connect". See the attached picture
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen.JPG
Views:	3966
Size:	37.4 KB
ID:	1107953

    Please note that my internet connection works properly, and also consider that I have used cosmos browser many times in the last days, importing many assets without problems.

    I'm using vray GPU 5 update 1, Max 2021 on windows 7 workstation.
    Can someone help me?

    Attached Files

  • #2
    me either
    And I didnt change anything.
    I get a message as soon as i want to launch CCBSERVICE in the task manager/service: ..."error 1053" ???

    Any idea?
    Last edited by eric_barbaron; 25-03-2021, 09:33 AM.


    • #3
      could anybody from chaos answer to us? plz
      Because we spend a lot of time trying to solve this issue



      • #4
        It's the 3rd time i post for this issue without any answer


        • #5
          Hi Pixelpark and eric_barbaron

          Apologies for the delay in our reply.

          It may be that your firewall/antivirus is blocking the 3ds max connection, can you please check your configurations/disable them and see if that would fix the issue for you. Alternatively, please do forward us the Cosmos Browser log file so we can have a look and see if there are any errors/warnings printed.

          They are found in the following folder:
          • C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos cb.log

          You can send them via our contact form, just make sure to mention this thread in the email, thanks!
          Nikoleta Garkova |


          • #6
            Hi Nikoleta,
            thx for your reply.
            Here is th cb.log.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              I disabled the firewall.
              Reinstall Vray 5
              But still unable to connect. i have the message "This site can't be reached. Localhost refused to connect".
              I think the issue comes from the CCBservice which doesn't want to launch.
              In the task manager/service, it appears to be stopped. When i try to start it, i get the 1053 error from win10 after a few second.
              I also tried to erase the CCBservice from cmd before to reinstall... But it was refused by the system

              I also get some strange messages during the install (pictures)

              I hope these details will help you


              • #8
                Thanks for the additional info, eric_barbaron

                Would it be possible to reach us through our contact form so we can schedule a remote session and try to resolve this on the spot? Please mention this thread in the email as well.
                Nikoleta Garkova |


                • #9
                  Was there a fix for this? I just started experiencing this same issue.


                  • #10
                    Hi spencerrayfitch,

                    Can you confirm if you're using the latest Cosmos Browser version? If you open the Task Manager > Processes, you should be able to see the Chaos Cosmos Browser Services running. If not, check if you can start it from the Windows Start menu by typing 'Start Chaos Cosmos Browser Service'.

                    If that doesn't make any difference, please send us the cb.log files located in C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos via our contact form. Thanks!
                    Nikoleta Garkova |


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nikoleta.garkova View Post
                      Hi spencerrayfitch,

                      Can you confirm if you're using the latest Cosmos Browser version? If you open the Task Manager > Processes, you should be able to see the Chaos Cosmos Browser Services running. If not, check if you can start it from the Windows Start menu by typing 'Start Chaos Cosmos Browser Service'.

                      If that doesn't make any difference, please send us the cb.log files located in C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos via our contact form. Thanks!
                      My computer restarted over night, i think due to a power outage. I open 3ds Max this morning, open Cosmos and its working fine. There was an update that came through so I did that and all seems fine now. Weird!


