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Cosmos browser - thumbnails problem and dead after restart

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  • Cosmos browser - thumbnails problem and dead after restart


    I have successfully installed cosmos on one machine and connected it to a networked library. I've tested cosmos for Sketchup to the same library and it works fine.

    Now I've tried to add it to a colleague's machine and I've hit all sorts of problems. Some may be covered by the fact that he is behind a web filter, but having added the suggested domains to the web filter, we've see no change in performance. The problem is that the assets have no previews, only the broken link icon. I have submitted a support request for this problem.

    The second problem with this install is that after a restart, cosmos comes up with a message saying it needs to be reinstalled. I re-install it, get it working (bar the asset preview images), and test the already downloaded assets and they are fine. The downloaded assets show their thumbnail images too. All good until I restart the machine. After restart, we start 3ds Max, load the cosmos and get a message saying Cosmos needs to be re-installed (the standard one about following various methods to fix it). Reinstalling it does indeed fix it, but again, once you restart it's broken again, and nothing so far has solved the thumbnail problem.

    Any ideas?


  • #2
    Hi Bill,

    Would it be possible to forward us the cb.log file on the machine in question so we could check for any errors printed? It should be located in C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos

    You can forward the file via our contact form, just make sure to mention this thread (or my name) in the form subject.

    It does sound like permission issues (partially, at least), have you tried disabling those filters just for the sake of checking whether Chaos Cosmos is functioning properly? Can you also give some additional details regarding those filters?
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.png
Views:	1422
Size:	119.0 KB
ID:	1170122Hello,chaos cosmos doesn't show the thumbnails in 3dsmax when using vray either
      Attached Files


      • #4
        If you have your windows firewall up - you have to allow the C:\program files\autodesk\3ds max 2023\qtwebengineprocess.exe in and out.

