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  • Sloooooooowwwwww

    More often than not the cosmos UI is hella slow. To the point where it's just not even worth the hassle of trying to use. Scrolling, selecting, etc. is painfully slow. Downloads fast once the interface allows, if and when it does. This is for the latest build that I just installed today, but it's happened before and seems to be hit or miss whether the UI wants to cooperate or not.

  • #2
    Hello rusteberg,

    Could you please record a video that shows the bad UX you have with Cosmos? Basic info about your environment will be useful - OS, Host, Renderer (and their versions).

    Best regards,
    Last edited by ivan.stefanov; 24-04-2023, 12:41 PM.


    • #3
      Ummmm..... it's cosmos for 3ds max.... it ain't running on mac. Host? It's on a pretty fast network clocking 300+ Mbps.... Renderer? ..... I'm not even going to answer that question (all latest builds as stated)


      • #4
        Thanks for your answer.

        Which version of 3ds Max and V-Ray do you use?

        You can also contact the Chaos support team for resolving your issue -
        They will ask you to provide the following files:
        - C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos\cb.log
        - C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos\config.json​​


        • #5
          Also, it would be helpful if you can share with us in which country you are located.


          • #6
            Ivan - Max 2023 (latest release with security updates)
            Vray (latest release available for 2023, Version 6 Update 1.1)
            cb.log & config.json not shown in that directory (and yes, hidden files are visible)

            Hristo - The United States of America (insert flag here)

            Thanks -T

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.png
Views:	184
Size:	17.2 KB
ID:	1179242


            • #7

              Thanks for your reply. Can you please copy-paste the paths that my colleague Ivan posted above, right into the address bar of the File Explorer? The path on your screenshot is not the correct one.

              Let us know if you found the logs and created an issue in our support system.



              • #8
                My bad.... here are the cb.log and config.json files:


                did not create a support ticket for this. Hope it helps.

                Thanks -T​


                • #9
                  Thanks, we got them. You can now remove them, because logs may contain sensitive information.

                  BTW that's why we always advise users to create tickets in our support system, so they can safely upload logs & sensitive info there.

                  We're on it. We will get back to you soon.


                  • #10
                    rusteberg is there any change? Does the UI respond OK now or not?

                    The next time when the problem occurs, can you please check how much resources (CPU, Memory) 3ds Max is consuming?


                    • #11
                      Thanks hristo. I haven't been back in that since i sent those.... WIll report back if and when it occurs again. Thanks -T

