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Cosmos not loading in 3ds Max

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  • Cosmos not loading in 3ds Max

    vray 6 for 3dsmax updated to latest 1.1 version, same for vantage and Cosmos.
    if I try to open Cosmos through 3ds max icon nothing happens, if I open a live link to vantage Cosmos icon doesn't even show in Cosmos itself... (1st image below)
    if I open Vantage in standalone it does shows and opens Cosmos correctly... (2nd image below)
    I'm going mad...
    ps: cosmos was working correctly since the very first installation here, after an update few days ago (vray? cosmos? dunno...) this strange behaviour started

    Click image for larger version  Name:	live.jpg Views:	0 Size:	209.3 KB ID:	1179626 Click image for larger version  Name:	no live.jpg Views:	0 Size:	393.0 KB ID:	1179627
    Last edited by marcello_pagnan; 02-05-2023, 02:17 AM.

  • #2
    Parts of the Vantage UI, including Cosmos, are disabled when Live Link is active. This is because you're not supposed to change the scene inside Vantage (except moving the camera). The connected app (3ds Max) is the one controlling the scene. Making changes in Vantage would lead to conflicts and loss of these changes.
    Nikola Goranov
    Chaos Developer


    • #3
      got it, but why Cosmos is not loading inside max anymore? When I click the icon in max nothing happens (and it was working correctly few days ago)...

      even if I search cosmos browser and try to lauch it directly in wondows nothing happens

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Immagine 2023-05-02 114110.jpg
Views:	2581
Size:	75.4 KB
ID:	1179636


      • #4
        Regarding the 3dsmx side of the problem - can you please:

        1. Specify - was there any update of a firewall/antivirus recently?

        2. Specify which version of Windows and 3dsmax you are using?

        3. Check if the cosmos content appears, if you open cosmos directly in external browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc..) by entering this ULR: http://localhost:30305/

        4. Send us these logs
        - C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos\cb.log
        - C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\20[NN] - 64bit\ENU\Network\Max.log​


        • #5
          Originally posted by kostadin.terziev View Post
          Regarding the 3dsmx side of the problem - can you please:

          1. Specify - was there any update of a firewall/antivirus recently?
          got a windows update recently, don't know if a firewall update was included

          2. Specify which version of Windows and 3dsmax you are using?
          see attachment

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Immagine 2023-05-02 120041.jpg
Views:	2533
Size:	28.6 KB
ID:	1179644

          3. Check if the cosmos content appears, if you open cosmos directly in external browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc..) by entering this ULR: http://localhost:30305/
          it does open correctly

          4. Send us these logs
          - C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos\cb.log
          - C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\20[NN] - 64bit\ENU\Network\Max.log​
          see attachment
          Attached Files


          • #6
            if I use cosmos in external browser it does work and imports correctly its content in my scene

            Click image for larger version  Name:	Immagine 2023-05-02 121615.jpg Views:	0 Size:	1.01 MB ID:	1179649


            • #7
              Good that at lest the external browser is usable.
              It is not reproducible at our side, but we will try to find what's going wrong.

              Meanwhile, could you try these if you didn't already:

              - reinstall V-Ray 6.1.1
              - if reinstall doesn't help - try the mtl lib button ( Click image for larger version  Name:	mtlLib.png Views:	0 Size:	926 Bytes ID:	1179683 ) - it should open up the cosmos browser too, unless you have used the material library in the past (in which case it sticks to the old functionality)

              - EDIT: open max script listener (F11) and see if there are any errors printed on clicking cosmos toolbar button
              Last edited by kostadin.terziev; 02-05-2023, 06:43 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kostadin.terziev View Post
                Good that at lest the external browser is usable.
                It is not reproducible at our side, but we will try to find what's going wrong.

                Meanwhile, could you try these if you didn't already:

                - reinstall V-Ray 6.1.1
                already done, same behavior
                - if reinstall doesn't help - try the mtl lib button ( Click image for larger version Name:	mtlLib.png Views:	0 Size:	926 Bytes ID:	1179683 ) - it should open up the cosmos browser too, unless you have used the material library in the past (in which case it sticks to the old functionality)
                already used in the past, so it opens mtl lib only

                - EDIT: open max script listener (F11) and see if there are any errors printed on clicking cosmos toolbar button
                no errors


                • #9
                  I have had some problems getting Cosmos to work and solved them by uninstalling Cosmos first.

                  Then start the latest Cosmos installer as administrator.
                  Then in the start menu under Chaos Group: Stop Cosmos Browser as administrator
                  Then in the start menu under Chaos Group: Start Cosmos Browser as administrator
                  Then start Max as administrator

                  Then make sure above last two items ALWAYS are started as administrator.


                  • #10
                    @trick's trick worked for me (VR 6, hotfix 1, running in 3ds Max 2022). I did find I need to explicitly stop, then start the Cosmos browser from my Windows menu. Even if I have to do it next time, it's workable.
                    Current workstation Dell 5820 with nVidia Quadro RTX 4000, 32 GB RAM, Win 10pro-64.
                    3D software: Max 2022 (since 3d Studio), V-Ray 6, Phoenix 5, TyFlow, Deadline 10.1.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jeffbrown View Post
                      @trick's trick worked for me (VR 6, hotfix 1, running in 3ds Max 2022). I did find I need to explicitly stop, then start the Cosmos browser from my Windows menu. Even if I have to do it next time, it's workable.
                      To prevent redoing this each time:

                      - right-click shortcut in start menu
                      - more -> open file location
                      - right-click the shortcut in explorer
                      - in tab: shortcut -> click advanced
                      - set: start as administrator

                      "Bad" thing is, I have to start 3dsMax as admin too: this could lead to bad communication with external programs, like dragging files into max. Then you must start these external programs as admin too.

                      If there is a better solution to all of this, please let me know.
                      Last edited by trick; 18-05-2023, 12:53 AM.

