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Chaos Cosmos Browser display with blank page, with only the icons on top visible.

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  • Chaos Cosmos Browser display with blank page, with only the icons on top visible.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-08-29 124614.png
Views:	304
Size:	11.2 KB
ID:	1214820
    Hi all! I recently had trouble with the cosmos browser in 3dsmax 2025 (vray 6). It was working fine until the day I started to upload external assets, I'm not sure if that was the reason causing the issue. There is only blank page with icon on the top bar visible when I open cosmos browser in max.

    I have already attempted:
    - uninstalling and reinstalling cosmos browser
    - uninstalling and resinstalling vray
    - running cbservice manually in program file
    - end and start cosmos browser in start menu window search bar

    Here is my config.json
    "offline": false,
    "disabled_automatic_updates": false,
    "port": "30305",
    "tls_port": "30306",
    "tls_cert_file": "",
    "tls_cert_key": "",
    "log_level": "INFO",
    "working_dir": "C:\\Users\\Eva Huang\\Documents\\Chaos Cosmos",
    "database_dir": "",
    "updates_dir": "",
    "__comments__": [
    "CAUTION! The 'database_dir' MUST be a local directory - shared folders will result in an error!"
    "proxy": {
    "type": "auto",
    "host": "",
    "port": 0,
    "user": "",
    "password": ""

    And cb.log:
    {"severity":"info","time":"2024-08-29T12:19:13.460+1000","message":"Cosmos Browser starting","Offline":false,"Current version":"2024.02.21-376207","Working directory":"C:\\Users\\Eva Huang\\Documents\\Chaos Cosmos","Updates directory":"C:\\Users\\Eva Huang\\AppData\\Local\\Chaos\\Cosmos\\Updates","Da tabase hash":"d2d10af59a309976f18d43a0d82dbd53de9faaae2b6 3ca606dcaaedc37c55f75","Database directory":"C:\\Users\\Eva Huang\\AppData\\Local\\Chaos\\Cosmos\\DB"}
    {"severity":"info","time":"2024-08-29T12:19:13.461+1000","message":"about to verify certificate"}
    {"severity":"warn","time":"2024-08-29T12:19:13.461+1000","message":"certificate is invalid, will generate new","error":"internal error: open C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\ChaosGroup\\ChaosCosmos\\localhost.crt: The system cannot find the file specified. (bf952f12-5f6b-e4c4-f43d-0415b4e1ccfc)"}

    Thanks for any help!​

  • #2
    Hey Eva,

    Will you please escalate this to our support ticketing system? Our tech support team will contact you and will be able to debug the problem.
    Last edited by hristo_chakarov; 29-08-2024, 12:08 AM.


    • #3
      Hi Hristo! Thank you for your suggestion, I will do so!

