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Chaos Cosmos Browser failed to load

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  • Chaos Cosmos Browser failed to load

    Hello, I am a Vray for Rhino customer. Just a few days ago, I found that I cannot open my Chaos Cosmos Browser anymore. Every time it shows this when I tried to open it (image 1)

    I am using Rhino 6 and I have already upgraded my Vray and Chaos Cosmos Browser to the newest version ( which should be Vray 5 upgrade 2.1). I uninstalled and reinstalled Chaos Cosmos multiple times after the Cosmos Brower failed to load, but the issue is still there.

    I also checked a few tutorials; some people suggested clicking on "cbservice" under C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Chaos Cosmos and running as administrator (image 2); however, I did that but nothing happened and the issue remained unsolved.

    Another weird thing was when I went to C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Chaos Cosmos\uninstall and clicked on "installer", this ( image 3) happened. I am not sure whether this related or caused the issue.

    Thank you in advance!

  • #2
    Hey Marc,
    I had found that my windows defender ransomware was blocking some of the files in order to run and connect Choas Cosmos properly.
    It could also help if you hit your windows button and type "Stop chaos cosmos browser." Then type "Start chaos cosmos browser,"

    I am not sure why image three occurs when attempting to uninstall, but when I was having some issues, the steps above allowed chaos to open and run without any issues.
    I hope this helps!



    • #3
      I have the same problem that the Cosmos browser doesn't load. A general question - should I see the cbservice.exe on the list of servises of the Windows task manager? I don't see it.

      I installed Cosmos to "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group Cosmos" - is this a problem? Before it was installed to the default dir, but it wasn't working too. ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Dear all, hello.

        Micha, Chaos Cosmos Browser Service should be seen in Task Manager > Processes > Background processes, not in Services tab.
        And there should be 2 running processes. But I understand your point - it is named service.

        As matthew_matuska mentioned Stopping and Starting again the browser could help. But please be sure that the host platform (Rhino) is closed when performing these steps. Explained also here.

        I suspect that your user cases are different, so could suggest to redirect Cosmos related questions to tickets to our Tech Support team via by choosing Technical assistance starting the product under Request type.
        To speed things up will advise to share via the ticket right away the cb.log and config.json located here: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos. They contain the initial information.

        Best regards,
        Tsvetomira Girginova |
        3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


        • #5
          Hi tsvetomira.girginova

          the suggest steps doesn't helped but I found the suggestion to deinstall Cosmos and delete all Cosmos stuff and this helped. Cosmos is running now, but now the importer isn't found to import the models to Rhino. (The red text is difficult to read). Is there a trick to get the importer working?

          Click image for larger version  Name:	Screen Shot 07-22-22 at 07.42 AM.JPG Views:	0 Size:	78.1 KB ID:	1154724

 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            I got and idea and now it works. The problem was I deinstalled Cosmos and used the latest downloadable version. But this version doesn't installed the VfR importer. So, I started the VfR installer now and anything works.

            Thank you for your support and to try to help me.
   ... visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              Thank you for the details, Micha!

              Yes, full re-install mainly solves all the issues in a general way.
              We recommend installing Cosmos along V-Ray, as you did.

              You are welcome.
              Tsvetomira Girginova |
              3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


              • #8
                I tried a reinstall before, since it's a classic fix, but didn't know that there stay files at the hard disk which let a fresh install not be so fresh. Could be nice if this could be noted on the Cosmos trouble help page.
       ... visualization for designer and architects

