What do I have to set so that the white stones of Cosmos materials also look 3d? I had thought that the cosmos materials are already configured.
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Material white pebbles
Hi, shifuzzy
I assume you are referring to 3D Displacement?
Unfortunately, Cosmos Materials currently don't come with Displacement maps as that feature is not yet fully supported in all Cosmos integrations.
However, you can still apply Displacement to the Group or Component that has the "Pebbles" material assigned.
You can then copy the Diffuse texture and paste it (as Copy) to the "Map" slot of the "Displacement" object.
From there you can wrap it inside a "Color Correction", which you can use to desaturate the texture and lower the contrast.
You can also lower the displacement "Amount" to your liking.
Here's a link to the documentation of the Displacement V-Ray Object in case you need a reference.
And I'm also attaching a simple example.
I hope that helps!
Best regards,
TsetsoTsvetan Milanov
Hi tsetso,
I thank you so much, your explanation, the attached file and the documentation link (I have just noticed that since my last visit to the documentation page a lot of new contributions have been added) helps a lot. Excellent support.
Best regards