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Chaos Cosmos Browser failed to load. Please try restarting its process

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  • Chaos Cosmos Browser failed to load. Please try restarting its process


    I've been struggling with the chaos cosmos browser for a while and used to just get the "Chaos Cosmos Browser failed to load. Please try restarting its process" every time when opening it up for the first time. A simple Stop and Start did the trick and was though a tad frustrating.. not the biggest issue in the world.
    For the past month though, this stop-start method has stopped working and I now get the attached error message when clicking on the refresh or home button.

    In an effort to resolve the issue I have looked online, re-installed chaos cosmos, vray, sketchup... deleted all files including residual ones like appdata, program files, license server... and mixed and matched even older pieces of software where it used to work as well as the newest installations from both chaos and trimble. After having tried every different combination for many many many hours it just doesn't get resolved.
    Am running on windows eleven.

    Any input would help... cheers!

    06/07/2022 20:23:35 Error Invalid URL:
    06/07/2022 20:23:38 Error [Chaos Cosmos Browser] Error: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED (-102) loading 'http://localhost:30305/?utm_campaign=cosmos&utm_source=V-Ray+5.20.06&utm_medium=SketchUp+Pro+21.1.332&impor ter_id=46c80104-7e15-4685-8f73-1ec81bb15a89' at rejectAndCleanup (C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for SketchUp\extension\vrayneui\resources\electron.asa r\browser\navigation-controller.js:67:29) at WebContents.failListener (C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for SketchUp\extension\vrayneui\resources\electron.asa r\browser\navigation-controller.js:77:21) at WebContents.emit (events.js:205:15) { from: 'browser', cause: undefined } Promise { <rejected> Error: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED (-102) loading 'http://localhost:30305/?utm_campaign=cosmos&utm_source=V-Ray+5.20.06&utm_medium=SketchUp+Pro+21.1.332&impor ter_id=46c80104-7e15-4685-8f73-1ec81bb15a89' at rejectAndCleanup (C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for SketchUp\extension\vrayneui\resources\electron.asa r\browser\navigation-controller.js:67:29) at WebContents.failListener (C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for SketchUp\extension\vrayneui\resources\electron.asa r\browser\navigation-controller.js:77:21) at WebContents.emit (events.js:205:15) { from: 'browser', cause: undefined } }

  • #2
    Hey laurens_uyttendaele ,

    Unfortunately the logs that you provided are from V-Ray for Sketchup, and not Cosmos. In order to see what's going on (why Cosmos service cannot start) we need Cosmos logs. So can you please create an issue here and attach your cb.log and config.json files, located at C:\Program files\Common files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos ?


    • #3
      Thank you! I have created the ticket and included the files. Fingers crossed!

