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Higher quality versions of assetts

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  • Higher quality versions of assetts

    What we noticed when using Cosmos is, that ideally you want the models in different levels of detail. The current level is okay for renders where the objects are say around 1-5 Meters away. But for less than a meter, like when you do closeups, often the models are not high quality enough, like this coffee cup:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	lod.jpg
Views:	137
Size:	79.0 KB
ID:	1117868

    You can see the jagged edges even in the preview render already.

    So if I want to render an image with a closeup and the coffee cup in the shot, it is not high resolution enough. If it's a few meters away I guess it would be fine. With today's hardware being generally really powerful, it would be nice to get some higher quality assetts.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi seltzdesign ,

    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback!
    I'm adding a note to go through some of the assets again and add more subdivisions.

    I'll post again here when we have an update.

    Best regards,
    Tsvetan Milanov

