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Edit Cosmos assets

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  • Edit Cosmos assets

    Wish for simple editing - anoying to finde the perfect person sitting down with a laptop - but can´t delete the laptop.

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. You can easily edit your models. Once they are in the scene, import them as mesh and you can edit the geometry. You may want to export it to proxy after that. Here you can find more information about VRayProxy that you may need if editing the Cosmos assets proxies.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-06-30_12-20-37.jpg
Views:	3257
Size:	57.0 KB
ID:	1185014
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      wauw - thanks


      • #4
        vladimir_krastev can not seem to make it work with Sketchup2023 / V-ray 6.10. Hoped til guide You mentioned (for 3D max I think) would reveal some hints on what to do in V-ray for SU. But can not see I can import Cosmos assets as Mesh.


        • #5
          Hello kimalbech

          Unfortunately, it is not possible to edit the geometry of Cosmos assets in SketchUp currently.

          I would like to mention, however, that upon importing a Cosmos asset, you can "Merge" it from the V-Ray Asset Editor > Geometries. This will allow you to modify and/or change the materials of that Cosmos asset and customize its look according to your needs.
          Zahari Ivanov |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            Thanks Zahari.Ivanov This means that it should be on the wish list for Sketcup users.


            • #7

              Kimalbech what you suggest is really great, sometimes i would like to modify the geometry of the cosmos asset and it is imposible

              So please bring some solution to this (vray for sketchup), because we need it, chaos cosmos is great, but sometimes i would like to modify some trees and is not possible



              • #8
                same issue in vray for rhino, I don't see an option to import just a "merge" option. Is this the same limitation as with the sketchup version? I can explode the mesh but I'm guessing its still a proxy and still renders the entire asset even though its just a single part of the mesh.


                • #9
                  I vote for this essential feature in Sketchup.
                  But I have a simpler need: I'd just like to be able to individually move, rotate and scale objects inside the Cosmos component, the .vrmesh or the .vrscene.
                  Is this possible?
                  Windows 10 - RTX 3090 - AMD Ryzen 9 5950X - 128 Go RAM
                  Sketchup PRO 24.0.594 + V-Ray 7.00.01
                  3DS Max 2024.2.7 + V-Ray 6.20.06
                  3DS Max 2025.3 + V-Ray 7.00.04
                  Chaos Vantage 2.7
                  GeForce Studio Ready Driver Version 566.14​


                  • #10
                    Hi Stetso

                    I would like to ask you, why vray for sketchup users cant explode assets like maya and 3d max do?

                    Is it because chaos cosmos does not have support to explode the assets with vray for sketchup, like maya and 3d max does?

                    Is it because sketchup does not support meshes?

                    2 weeks ago i began with my kitchen, believe me stetso is not possible to use a lot of assets just because we cant explote the asset and just take what i want

                    Let me put you an example here.

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	20231219_104539~2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	1.49 MB ID:	1198165 This is a great bowl with fruit
                    But i dont like the bowl, i would like just to take the fruit and put in another rustic tray.

                    Not possible yet!!!

                    May i ask when are we going to enjoy chaos cosmos with the posibility to explote assets and just grab what we want.?

                    Right now i really feel like chaos cosmos is great but i cant use it

                    While vray for 3d max and maya can already explode the mesh and use what they want.

                    It is very frustrating !!!

                    Right now i have to pay one month suscription to poligon textures to take a good fruit asset.

                    Thanks Stetso

                    I hope you understand how frustrated it is for us...Vray for sketchup users.

                    Last edited by luisgamino2; 19-12-2023, 11:23 AM.


                    • #11
                      Hi luisgamino2

                      What you observe in SketchUp is a limitation of the host application itself
                      However, there's a relatively simple workaround that you can try.

                      1) Create a new Generic material and call it "Transparent_mtl"
                      2) Expand the Opacity rollout of the "Transparent_mtl" and set its opacity to 0​
                      3) Select the fruit bowl asset in the V-Ray Asset Editor
                      4) Click on Merge (please remember that we usually don't recommend merging Cosmos Assets, as you lose connection to the Cosmos Database which is fundamental for asset relinking and updates. So use this only when absolutely necessary)
                      5) Now that you have access to the materials of the asset, replace "Fruit Bowl 193 001_Plate_mtl.." with the "Transparent_mtl"

                      Click image for larger version  Name:	fruit_bowl_transparent.jpg Views:	0 Size:	341.9 KB ID:	1198976

                      You'll still see the bowl in the viewport, but it won't render.
                      I hope that helps.

                      Best regards,
                      Tsvetan Milanov


                      • #12
                        Hi Tsetso

                        I see, i understand your point here, we already know sketchup has so many limitations.

                        What you describe is great and can help people to better use chaos cosmos assets.

                        It is different from what i want, for example in the bowl i would like to take the fruit and just choose and move those fruits but it is not possible.

                        Im going to take your advice and see in what cases i can use chaos cosmos with that trick.

                        From your answer tsetso seems that we are far from the option to explode assets and use it as meshes.

                        About 3d max and maya how does it work for those software? they can explode the object and just choose what they want or move what they want??

                        Thanks for the tip Tsetso
                        Best regards
                        Luis Gamino

