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Passes renderid and materialID not showing?

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  • Passes renderid and materialID not showing?


    An issue we are running into in another program, DaVinci Resolve, is that the renderID and materialID passes aren't being seen when splitting the exr files. However we also just noticed that these passes aren't visible in the Chaos Player either. Below the downloadlink to a single exr frame. In the VFB you can see all the passes, in Chaos Player the two passes are "missing".

    Is there a setting or some other reason why it isn't showing up in the Chaos Player? We're hoping that the same reason will fix the DaVinci issue.


  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. I tested what you are describing in a new simple scene and found no issues initially. Then I saw you are using a "00." prefix to your rednderID, wirecolour and materialID render elements. Tried to remove it and Chaos Player opens them now as they are without the prefix. I think this is the issue but I will investigate a bit more and get back to you.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Ah interesting.

      Ok we'll test it in davinci to see if that is the same issue on that side.


      • #4
        So we did the test. They don't show up in DaVinci Resolve, but they are visible in the Chaos Player so we can just export the passes from that and load them in to Resolve. We'll keep searching to see if there is something on that side, so it works in 1 step but atleast this is a workaround.

