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Export Composition adds black space to my exports

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  • Export Composition adds black space to my exports

    when i export a single layer or sequence everything is fine. But when i do export layer sequence composition or frame composition sicne i added an adjustment layer for adjust the colors, I get all this black space on the sides of my image. How can i just save my composition image or sequence with no black space around it?

  • #2
    I can't seem to reproduce it, so it must be specific. Could you save the project (.chpcomp) and send it along with a few files from the sequence so we can troubleshoot?
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by hermit.crab View Post
      I can't seem to reproduce it, so it must be specific. Could you save the project (.chpcomp) and send it along with a few files from the sequence so we can troubleshoot?
      let me know if i understand this correct. To eliminate the black space, i need to have Apply Pan, Zoom, Aspect to Composition checked. If not then if i zoom out black space is included when exporting a composition frame to a image file.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	apply.jpg
Views:	52
Size:	73.5 KB
ID:	1224021
      another thing I think I need to have set is the zoom needs to be at 100% so I get the full resolution in the saved image. Whats confusing is the zoom actually affects the final save. Is this really how its supposed to be? i cant imagine Photoshop saving a smaller image if you happened to be zoomed out. So if I have the Apply Pan, zoom, Aspect checked and the zoom at 100% then exporting a composition frame is fine. but if either of those are off, the final save will be a different resolution or there will be black space. But if I am zoom out or in and save as a Export Layer Frame instead, its always fine. full res, no black space.

      I have sent the files.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	50.jpg
Views:	28
Size:	518.5 KB
ID:	1224022

      Click image for larger version

Name:	100.jpg
Views:	28
Size:	592.8 KB
ID:	1224023


      • #4
        Originally posted by sean_brown View Post
        So if I have the Apply Pan, zoom, Aspect checked and the zoom at 100% then exporting a composition frame is fine. but if either of those are off, the final save will be a different resolution or there will be black space.
        Thanks for the provided files. Yes, this is the correct way of doing it and indeed it is confusing. And yes, it seems to affect Export Composition Frame/Sequences only. Good news is we already have an improvement request logged (internal bug-tracker id: CP-321) addressing exactly this. The idea is to export full resolution by default, without this hassle. I'll notify the product owner to give it a bump.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

