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Control Vantage externally

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  • Control Vantage externally

    Dear Chaos,

    Is it possible to control vantage from command line (CMD) if a scene in vantage is open?
    The controls i would like to have externally are:
    - Cam position or camera name in vantage
    - Group / Objects on or off
    - Load vantage config file
    - Render screenshot to path

    The reason we are asking this is because we would like tot render the images bij command prompt.

  • #2
    yes, I care too.
    when I need to take a series of screenshot, command line to control position of camera will be very very usefull. come on Vantage


    • #3
      We've added command line rendering in 1.5.0 - see "vantage_console.exe --help".
      Nikola Goranov
      Chaos Developer


      • #4
        Originally posted by npg View Post
        We've added command line rendering in 1.5.0 - see "vantage_console.exe --help".
        This we already tried but we miss the possibility to render from an scene which is already open.
        If a scene is not autoclosed, the command line isn't accesible after rendering and if we set up the scene before starting the command line render, it starts a new instance.
        So it doesn't detect if there is already a scene open.

