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Animation texture in Vantage 1.8

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  • Animation texture in Vantage 1.8

    Hi Team - I have Sketchup 2022 and Vray 5. Hopefully soon Vray 6.

    I want to add a animation texture perhaps 6sec long on the yellow and green surfaces in the image attached in Vantage. Can you achieve this?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi waldob,

    Yes you can and you can do it with V-Ray 5 as well. You can check this video here
    Here are the main steps to utilize animated textures:
    1. Create a material and assign bitmap that has a naming that ends with a index, in my case it was videoplayback.00000.png but it can be videoplayback_00000.png or similar.
    2. Enable advanced settings and enable Sequence mode. There you can specify additional settings such as playback speed, rate and start frame.
    3. Then you export a vrscene with animation for which you need to have at least one Scene. The duration of the animation is calculated based on: number of Scenes, Scene transition time and Scene Delay time. The default FPS is 30 so a Scene Delay time of 1s will result in 30(0-29) frames. In my case I had a image sequence of 640 frames and I set my Scene Delay time to 21(30*21=630fr).
    4. In Vantage you load the scene and check if there is animation in the textures by scrubbing the timeline and press the Update sequence button on the right.
    5. Render out the Sequence.
    Please let me know if this works for you.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Atanasov

    V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



    • #3
      Thank you Alexander. I did not know you can do this! Fantastic. This helps so much.


      • #4
        Hi Alex and Waldob,

        Just getting to grips with Vantage. I am a Sketchup 2022 and Vray 5 user as well. Is there a way to animate (move) an object? For example a sliding door opening in SU and then transfer this animated object over into Vantage. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

        Thanks for the information above on the animation texture. That's awesome.


        • #5
          Hi Josh,

          Unfortunately animation in SketchUp is very limited(only camera and sun position) and transform animations are not possible(as far as I know). Also is true for Vantage, currently only camera and sun animations are possible to create within Vantage. Object, light and other animations will be possible in future but cannot give you an exact time frame.

          Best regards,
          Alexander Atanasov

          V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



          • #6
            And with C4D?


            • #7
              Hi Mr. Pock,

              Animated textures from Cinema 4D are currently not supported in Vantage or Live Link, because they do not update in IPR rendering. Currently animated textures from Cinema4D are exported in a different way compared to Max or SketchUp and need additional support. Either the V-Ray for Cinema has to implement a similar way of exporting animated image sequences like in Max/SketchUp or/and we have to add support for the current way it is exported. I have logged in your request in our system and we will inform you when it is available.

              Best regards,
              Alexander Atanasov

              V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



              • #8
                Does the animated texture require an exported vrscene? Can it work with a live link?
                I'm working with a live link in 3DS MAX 2023 and an animated material made from an image sequence of .pngs. When scrubbing in MAX, the materials updates. (Its a TV screen with a 'video'). In Vantage 1.8 it does not appear to animate or update. At the start of this thread you talk about "Enabling Sequence Mode" but I do not see that option.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GeorgeKaplinJr View Post
                  Does the animated texture require an exported vrscene? Can it work with a live link?
                  I'm working with a live link in 3DS MAX 2023 and an animated material made from an image sequence of .pngs. When scrubbing in MAX, the materials updates. (Its a TV screen with a 'video'). In Vantage 1.8 it does not appear to animate or update. At the start of this thread you talk about "Enabling Sequence Mode" but I do not see that option.
                  For performance reasons the animated textures will not update during preview playback.
                  You have to explicitly hit the 'u' key to make them update for the current frame.

                  The animated textures will update automatically when you do a high quality (offline) render from "Tools -> High Quality Render...".

                  Vladimir Nedev
                  Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post

                    For performance reasons the animated textures will not update during preview playback.
                    You have to explicitly hit the 'u' key to make them update for the current frame.

                    The animated textures will update automatically when you do a high quality (offline) render from "Tools -> High Quality Render...".

                    Vladimir Nedev
                    Neither of those suggestions is working. "U" does not update the material and my high-quality render does not update the material. It must be a problem with my material. Or is it that my file is linked? Is there a forum post that explains the proper way to build an animated material? Or can the material can be edited in Vantage? Ive been searching and have been unable to find a step by step for 3DS Max. Thank you


                    • #11
                      Did you check "export animation" when exporting the vrscene ?

                      Also, which version of Vantage are you using exactly ?

                      If you can attach a simple scene, I can check if something is wrong with it (you can include 2-3 frames of the animated image sequence).

                      Or can the material can be edited in Vantage?
                      No, that's not possible.

                      Is there a forum post that explains the proper way to build an animated material?
                      If it works when using the live link, it should work when using vrscene files (with the caveats I mentioned in my previous post).

                      Vladimir Nedev
                      Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


                      • #12
                        Hopefully test scene will work. I'm running latest version. 1.8.4. Exported From Max 2023.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GeorgeKaplinJr View Post
                          Hopefully test scene will work. I'm running latest version. 1.8.4. Exported From Max 2023.
                          I need the .max and .vrscene files, the .vantage file doesn't contain any information about animated texture sequences.

                          Vladimir Nedev
                          Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


                          • #14
                            Sorry. Please try this ZIP. It contains the MAX and VRscene files.
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GeorgeKaplinJr View Post
                              Sorry. Please try this ZIP. It contains the MAX and VRscene files.
                              The attached .vrscene file was exported without animation. You have to select this option when exporting the .vrscene file:

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	export_animation.png
Views:	1201
Size:	28.4 KB
ID:	1174164

                              This dialog comes up when you select V-Ray -> .vrscene exporter.

                              Also your mesh has faces on top of each other and they render wrong in Vantage.
                              You have to delete them in 3dsMax before exporting.

                              Vladimir Nedev
                              Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :

