So if I turn off Use Light cache in Vantage when exporting an animation, what does it do? Just use bruteforce to render the frame? Does it render faster if I have it on?
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Animation setting
Yes, the light cache should speed up GI calculations and reduce GI noise (it may cause some splotches though). The speed difference depends on settings and scene of course. Generally it's not as dramatic as with the vray light cache. It's a similar algorithm, but not the same.
I'm attaching an example where lighting is only GI and all images are at 1000 samples. The FPS was ~115 with LC and ~90 without it. Notice that when LC is turned off and there is a non-zero noise threshold you get a very bad noise pattern. This is because of the very low chance for brute force GI rays to reach there, leaving the area black for long enough for the noise threshold to decide to stop sampling there.
Nikola Goranov
Chaos Developer