unless i'm misunderstanding something, it seems that if you want to set/change light tree samples or other lights etc... other settings in vantage, you have to export to a vrscene file and open that and render.
however some things like 3ds max populate animations won't work unless you do a live link render.
for clarity, i'm choosing "render animation in chaos vantage" with/without vantage UI
so depending on how you send it, somethings are available and somethings are not.
follow up question - i can save default settings, is lightree samples something OK to always have on max number of samples (16 in this case).
goal would be to reduce blocky-noise around can lights in a ceiling on an interior render. (saw another post on setting to 16 samples for light tree to improve and it worked for that person). and in my case i lowered samples from 800 to 400. i also happened to turn on glare which seems to mask edges of ceiling lights well.
however some things like 3ds max populate animations won't work unless you do a live link render.
for clarity, i'm choosing "render animation in chaos vantage" with/without vantage UI
so depending on how you send it, somethings are available and somethings are not.
follow up question - i can save default settings, is lightree samples something OK to always have on max number of samples (16 in this case).
goal would be to reduce blocky-noise around can lights in a ceiling on an interior render. (saw another post on setting to 16 samples for light tree to improve and it worked for that person). and in my case i lowered samples from 800 to 400. i also happened to turn on glare which seems to mask edges of ceiling lights well.