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The lines appear very jagged! Pls help me

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  • The lines appear very jagged! Pls help me

    Hello everyone! I'm trying to render a high-resolution image:
    • 6200x4380 pixels
    • 5000 samples
    • noise 0.005
    But after rendering, the lines appear very jagged, as you can see in the photo. Is there a parameter that can reduce this problem? Like in V-Ray. Thanks​​

  • #2
    Try using a small amount of Bloom effect.

    Aside from that, 5000 samples is quite a lot. Are you avoiding the denoisers? If you're rendering a still image, the Intel denoiser should work pretty well and you can render with far fewer samples.
    Nikola Goranov
    Chaos Developer


    • #3
      Thank you for your response, Nikola! I try not to use the denoiser to increase the image quality, but I will try following your advice. I have a Ryzen processor and an Nvidia graphics card; may I ask why I should use an Intel denoiser?
      I have not used the bloom effect.​
      Last edited by giovanni_stocchero; 27-06-2024, 06:57 AM.


      • #4
        it's probably because the value of the light/environment behind the window is very bright. I don't think any amount of sampling will help this if that's the case.

        If you were to expose down on the image, my guess is that the jaggedness would go away. If that's the case, you could try some sort of highlight rolloff to help it out. And I agree with Nikola, a bit of bloom would also help.

        Also seeing some jaggedness on the parts of the chair that don't have bright behind them, can you change the AA type?

        Also, are these images scaled up or down at all?
        Last edited by Buck; 26-06-2024, 10:48 AM. - - -


        • #5
          Hi Buck, thanks for commenting. The images I attached are screenshots of the high-resolution image 6200*4380. Today I will try decreasing the light and increasing the bloom. Sorry, what do you mean by AA type? Thank you very much.


          • #6
            Keep in mind that Vantage is not always the same as V-Ray. I see you're looking for things that we don't have, such as AA (anti-aliasing) image filter settings. We don't have that currently and this is why sometimes such jagged lines appear. They are often around light sources so a bit of bloom both hides them and looks more realistic IMO.

            The Intel denoiser runs on any hardware. I suggested it because it is slightly better than the NVIDIA Optix denoiser for static images, but it doesn't support flickerless animation.
            Nikola Goranov
            Chaos Developer


            • #7
              Thank you! I followed your advice and the image turned out much better! There are significantly fewer jagged lines. Thank you so much.


              • #8
                To further reduce the jagginess, you can render a higher resolution and downscale back to your original resolution in Photoshop or similar.

