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Physical Sky and sun settings not saving

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  • Physical Sky and sun settings not saving

    Dear Team Chaos Group,

    We noticed that the vrayksy and sun settings (if we override them in Lavina) don't save.
    Is there a way to go around this problem by adjusting the settings in max?

    Kind regards,
    Christian Wauben
    XR group

  • #2
    We noticed that the vrayksy and sun settings (if we override them in Lavina) don't save.
    Yes, this is work in progress and not implemented currently.
    For the lights, only the enabled/intensity/color options are saved, and the transformation.

    We have to do some internal code reorganization that will allow us to save only the MODIFIED light properties.
    For example, if you have modified only the light color or the sun altitude, or the sun disk size, only these will be saved to the vrdx config.
    When you load it, the rest of the properties will come from the current state of the .vrscene.

    The idea is to have your Lavina changes act as a "modification layer" on top of the .vrscene.
    Eventually you will be able to switch this layer off/on.
    Also, this will allow us to create "variations", where each property has a set of possible values stored in the .vrdx file,
    which you can switch between.

    Does this sound like a good idea to you ?
    Or would you rather have Lavina store all light properties irrespective of whether you changed one or all of them ?
    In the new system, we are working on, this could be an option.

    Is there a way to go around this problem by adjusting the settings in max?
    I am not sure I understand. If you reexport the .vrscene file, you should be able to see the new settings in Lavina, yes.

    I am starting work on a Live Link between Lavina and V-Ray, where Lavina will act as a server for V-Ray IPR.
    You will see the rendered image in Lavina however, the VFB in Max will be empty.

    This live link will also require this new property system, where individual modifications you have made in Lavina are stored independently of one another.

    Vladimir Nedev
    Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


    • #3
      Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post

      Yes, this is work in progress and not implemented currently.
      For the lights, only the enabled/intensity/color options are saved, and the transformation.

      We have to do some internal code reorganization that will allow us to save only the MODIFIED light properties.
      For example, if you have modified only the light color or the sun altitude, or the sun disk size, only these will be saved to the vrdx config.
      When you load it, the rest of the properties will come from the current state of the .vrscene.

      The idea is to have your Lavina changes act as a "modification layer" on top of the .vrscene.
      Eventually you will be able to switch this layer off/on.
      Also, this will allow us to create "variations", where each property has a set of possible values stored in the .vrdx file,
      which you can switch between.

      Does this sound like a good idea to you ?
      Or would you rather have Lavina store all light properties irrespective of whether you changed one or all of them ?
      In the new system, we are working on, this could be an option.

      I am not sure I understand. If you reexport the .vrscene file, you should be able to see the new settings in Lavina, yes.

      I am starting work on a Live Link between Lavina and V-Ray, where Lavina will act as a server for V-Ray IPR.
      You will see the rendered image in Lavina however, the VFB in Max will be empty.

      This live link will also require this new property system, where individual modifications you have made in Lavina are stored independently of one another.

      Vladimir Nedev
      Many thanks for your answer Vladimir and if i'm reading it corect it is poosible in the future to have different light set-ups like day, night evening, morning etc. and switch between them?
      Is it also possible to do this on a camera base like the states in 3dsmax?

      Regarding the workaround in max, we have almost found all the settings in max to adjust the physical camera in lavina correct at start, the only setting (integer) we couldn't find is the one that controls the intensity for the environment. We tried to change all the settings like the one in the render vray render settings, in the environment settings, linking a vraysky material in the material slot and adjusting it there) but this doesn't work. Where can we find this integer in max?

      The live link sounds like an amazing option, can't wait to try it! But I have some concerns about the memory, we now have a project that uses all 11gb of the memory and need to close max so we can start it. Nvlink doesn't seem to work here and we already optimised all textures. Do you have some ideas for this to open huge scenes like the one we are struggeling with (400 billion +)?

      Kind regards,
      Christian Wauben
      XR group


      • #4
        Many thanks for your answer Vladimir and if i'm reading it corect it is poosible in the future to have different light set-ups like day, night evening, morning etc. and switch between them?
        Is it also possible to do this on a camera base like the states in 3dsmax?
        I will have to check how it works in 3ds Max. Do you like the "states" workflow there ?

        Regarding the workaround in max, we have almost found all the settings in max to adjust the physical camera in lavina correct at start, the only setting (integer) we couldn't find is the one that controls the intensity for the environment. We tried to change all the settings like the one in the render vray render settings, in the environment settings, linking a vraysky material in the material slot and adjusting it there) but this doesn't work. Where can we find this integer in max?
        Sorry, I don't understand. There is an issue with the exposure not matching V-Ray ? Or is it something else ?
        If you send me the scene (the 3dsMax scene), I can take a look and tell you why it's different, maybe even fix it.

        The live link sounds like an amazing option, can't wait to try it! But I have some concerns about the memory, we now have a project that uses all 11gb of the memory and need to close max so we can start it. Nvlink doesn't seem to work here and we already optimised all textures. Do you have some ideas for this to open huge scenes like the one we are struggeling with (400 billion +)?
        If you have multiple GPUs, maybe you can run 3ds Max on one, and Lavina on another ?

        Again, if you send me the scene I can check what's taking up the memory.
        The debug log has some information on memory consumption.
        At some point we have to make it available through the UI and extend it with more info.

        Vladimir Nedev
        Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


        • #5
          Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post

          I will have to check how it works in 3ds Max. Do you like the "states" workflow there ?

          Sorry, I don't understand. There is an issue with the exposure not matching V-Ray ? Or is it something else ?
          If you send me the scene (the 3dsMax scene), I can take a look and tell you why it's different, maybe even fix it.

          If you have multiple GPUs, maybe you can run 3ds Max on one, and Lavina on another ?

          Again, if you send me the scene I can check what's taking up the memory.
          The debug log has some information on memory consumption.
          At some point we have to make it available through the UI and extend it with more info.

          Vladimir Nedev
          Hi Vladimir,

          Many thanks for the fast reply!
          The "states" workflow we use very often. Ik works like a charm in combination with bach rendering.

          Regarding the environment intensity, i've enclosed a illustration to clarify the problem.

          We have multiple GPU's and it seems to work, but maybe it's also an idea to implement an option to resive the textures loaded in the memory like Vray GPU.
          I will zip the big project we are now working ond and send ik to you tomorrow through wetransfer.

          Kind regards,
          Christian Wauben.


          • #6
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Environment_explanation.jpg
Views:	603
Size:	1.82 MB
ID:	1078358

