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Some objects won't hide

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  • Some objects won't hide

    Using Beta v .4.1 with 2X Titan X Pascal cards (not RTX).
    Getting a lot of flashing in any glass material so I started hiding glass as a work around for now... BUT, I'm finding that some objects don't hide when unchecked.
    At first I thought it was only happening with refractive objects, but found that some other objects are also not hiding.

    Any thoughts?

    I am loving LAVINA so far...GREAT WORK!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    It could be a bug. It would be very helpful if you could share a scene that we can use to reproduce it. Any cut down version could work, as long as it reproduces the issue (e.g. without textures, removed geometry, etc. However removing geometry may affect the ability to reproduce).

    Also, regarding the flashing in the glass - is this related to the denoiser? Does it go away if you set denoising to 0? Our denoiser has limitations with refractive objects.

    Glad you're loving Lavina even at Pascal frame rates, hehe. Just wait for Ampere - it will be _faster_
    Nikola Goranov
    Chaos Developer


    • #3
      In prepping the scene to send to you, I think I found the root of the problem. In the first example, I had multiple objects with duplicate names in MAX. In Lavina, only 1 object hides/unhides as expected...the other objects with same name stay visible, regardless of checked/unchecked.
      Second file, uses unique names and hide/unhide works correctly.

      You were correct about refractive object "flashing" - setting Denoiser to "0" resolves flashing, but introduces quite a bit of grain during any kind of camera movement. Any suggestions about grain?

      Attached Files


      • #4
        , but introduces quite a bit of grain during any kind of camera movement. Any suggestions about grain?
        That's unavoidable for the moment, as Lavina will trace only the reflection or only the refraction ray for any particular pixel.
        This is done in order to have better interactivity.
        In the future we might consider tracing both, but that will require quite a bit of changes to the Lavina core rendering algorithm and will also be quite a bit slower.

        Vladimir Nedev
        Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


        • #5
          Thank you for the scene! Indeed, this is a bug in the UI. I will log a ticket and we should fix it soon.

          There is a partial workaround - when you select the object in the viewport you can click the "V" key to hide it (Shift+V to unhide). The problem is once you hide it if you change the selection you can no longer select it again by clicking on it in the viewport as it isn't there. That's where the object list comes in, if it wasn't for this bug. You could also save this selection with Ctrl+0...9 and restore with 0...9. You can find these viewport hotkeys in Help->Mouse and Key Shortcuts.

          Regarding denoising, that's exactly what the denoiser is for - to remove the noise while moving the camera and making changes. Real-time denoising is not perfect, so the quality is not the same as the raw raytracing result when it cleans up. When the denoiser is set to 100% it will perform denoising forever. If it is 0, you only see the raw (noisy) render. When it is somewhere in between it blends between the raw and denoised result. If by "flashing" you mean that the noise is moving, this will stop after a few seconds (sooner if FPS is higher) when the denoiser is below 100% - at this point the denoiser stops updating and it only blends the last denoised image with the ever-cleaner raw image. If you wait a bit, you can move the slider back to zero to see the raw image without any denoiser distortions.
          Nikola Goranov
          Chaos Developer


          • #6
            Turns out the issue with duplicate names is at a deeper level than just the UI, so it may take a while to fix. If possible, use unique object names for the time being.
            Nikola Goranov
            Chaos Developer

