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VRAY 3.6 - Vrscane - issue?

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  • VRAY 3.6 - Vrscane - issue?

    Simple test​. Test scene created in SU2017 with VRAY 3.6.03 exported as vrscene ............ and after import to Vantage everything is pink. ( Why? Are VRAY 3.6 vrscenes compatible with Vantage? Or I need VRAY Next or 5?
    Paths to all materiala are correct in vrscene file. Reimported vrscene to SU is correct and has all textures.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	x.jpg
Views:	419
Size:	1.07 MB
ID:	1101857
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi Szakul,

    Yes, for best support we do recommend to use either V-Ray Next or V-Ray 5. There is a UVW issue with vrscenes exported with V-Ray 5 for Sketchup and it is being investigated and will be fixed in upcoming builds.
    Can you please send us that scene so that we can see what could be causing the issue?

    Best regards,
    Alexander Atanasov

    V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



    • #3
      Ok. I've sent You two files in PM. Is it ok?


      • #4
        You mention the VRScans material in your title ? Vantage doesn't support this material and it will come out pink like in your screenshots.

        Vladimir Nedev
        Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


        • #5
          Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post
          You mention the VRScans material in your title ? Vantage doesn't support this material and it will come out pink like in your screenshots.

          Vladimir Nedev
          No, it isn't VRScan. It's regular material. Only diffuse map. Nothing special. All objects are pink, even those with default Sketchup material.


          • #6
            Thanks for the scenes.

            I had completely forgotten that V-Ray 3.x for SketchUp used some older plug-ins (like MtlASGVIS) that were later deprecated and removed from the V-Ray SDK.
            This means that Vantage cannot load them as it uses the V-Ray 5 SDK.

            It's theoretically possible to work around this issue, however if we do, it opens up a lot of other issues as the V-Ray 3.x for SketchUp .vrscene structure is very different compared to V-Ray 5 for SketchUp.
            So, we've decided not to attempt support for V-Ray 3.6 for SketchUp and instead concentrate on V-Ray 5 (which is coming but not quite ready).

            Edit: Also we can't support the live link to V-Ray 3.x for SketchUp due to differences in the DR protocol, which is another argument against attempting support.

            Vladimir Nedev
            Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


            • #7
              Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post
              Thanks for the scenes.

              I had completely forgotten that V-Ray 3.x for SketchUp used some older plug-ins (like MtlASGVIS) that were later deprecated and removed from the V-Ray SDK.
              This means that Vantage cannot load them as it uses the V-Ray 5 SDK.

              It's theoretically possible to work around this issue, however if we do, it opens up a lot of other issues as the V-Ray 3.x for SketchUp .vrscene structure is very different compared to V-Ray 5 for SketchUp.
              So, we've decided not to attempt support for V-Ray 3.6 for SketchUp and instead concentrate on V-Ray 5 (which is coming but not quite ready).

              Edit: Also we can't support the live link to V-Ray 3.x for SketchUp due to differences in the DR protocol, which is another argument against attempting support.

              Vladimir Nedev
              Ok. Sad news, but I understand the reason. Thanks for quick answer. Maybe add some notification in the Vantage manual? Topic can be closed.

