I encountered an issue while trying to export an animated Forest Pack (grass) into Chaos Vantage.
First I animated the grass in World positions (Move + Rotate in Edit Poly). I know that Vantage can export Transform key-framed animations. BUT, Forest Pack unfortunattely can't animate from source objects unless they are animated in Xform Modifier, and with that comes the issue...Vantage doesn't import the Xform animation.
Is there any workaround in this case? If i want to animate the Forest Pack, then Vantage will not recongise the animation unless it is directly animated in Editable poly instead of Xform Modifier and vice-versa.
Edit: In the LiveLink, the ForestPack animation works fine on Xform modifier.
Thank you!
I encountered an issue while trying to export an animated Forest Pack (grass) into Chaos Vantage.
First I animated the grass in World positions (Move + Rotate in Edit Poly). I know that Vantage can export Transform key-framed animations. BUT, Forest Pack unfortunattely can't animate from source objects unless they are animated in Xform Modifier, and with that comes the issue...Vantage doesn't import the Xform animation.
Is there any workaround in this case? If i want to animate the Forest Pack, then Vantage will not recongise the animation unless it is directly animated in Editable poly instead of Xform Modifier and vice-versa.
Edit: In the LiveLink, the ForestPack animation works fine on Xform modifier.
Thank you!