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Render sequence live link

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  • Render sequence live link

    I just installed update 2 vray 3ds max.
    The sequence is rendered but the png does not preserve the alpha channel.

  • #2
    Excuse me, I understand the problem. You have added two render animation options.
    What's the difference between the two?


    • #3
      One shows a dialog with options inside 3ds Max, the other uses the dialog we already had in Vantage itself. Use whichever you prefer or whichever works best for you.
      Nikola Goranov
      Chaos Developer


      • #4
        Currently the dialog in Max has a non working Alpha option so I would recommend to use the Render animation with Chaos Vantage, using Vantage UI in order to use it. If you wish to specify the frame range you will have to set it in the max timeline with the time configuration option as currently there is no option for that in Vantage. Here you can check the docs for additional info:

        Best regards,
        Alexander Atanasov

        V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



        • #5
          rendering a sequence with vantage doesn't mean that feature actually not yet supported will be rendered I guess? I mean features such as opacity or moving vertex, bipeds, ecc.


          • #6
            Rendering the animation through the live link lets you render certain animations that are otherwise unsupported (yet), when rendering a .vrscene file with animation inside Vantage.
            These are:
            - deformable meshes
            - animated light parameters
            - animated texture and material parameters ( ifl files/texture sequences not included)

            When the animation render script changes the current time in 3dsMax, these are updated using the normal live link update logic. That's why they work.

            Vladimir Nedev
            Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


            • #7
              Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post
              Rendering the animation through the live link lets you render certain animations...

              - animated texture and material parameters ( ifl files/texture sequences not included)

              Vladimir Nedev
              Hi Vladimir!

              I'm needing exactly this.. render a .IFL animated texture (a sequence of .png for a TV animated texture)..

              Inside Vantage UI I can't render deformable meshes, but using the Live Link I do! Now the only missing part is rendering this animated texture with Vantage.

              Is there a way to render such sequence texture with the latest Vantage 1.7.1 ?


              Rodrigo Sotero


              • #8
                Hi Vladimir,
                like Rodrigo said, it exactly what we need:

                ifl textures option

                (Plus volumetric lights and lensflares for my part)

                If not, i think we wont able to continue to use it.
                Its too frustrating !

                I understand that Vantage is developped espacally for architecture simulation, and it's a big market.
                but dont forget tv and stage set design, too.

                Best regards



                • #9
                  but using the Live Link I do! Now the only missing part is rendering this animated texture with Vantage.

                  Is there a way to render such sequence texture with the latest Vantage 1.7.1 ?
                  Not currently, but we will start working on this very soon.

                  (Plus volumetric lights and lensflares for my part)
                  What do you mean by "volumetric lights".
                  For the lens flares, as a work around, you could save the Vantage render as an EXR file and then load it in V-Ray's VFB and apply the lens flares there.

                  Vladimir Nedev
                  Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post

                    Not currently, but we will start working on this very soon.
                    Hi Vladimir, Thank you for your feedback.

                    Do you have a nightly version with this IFL loading option so I could test it?

                    It would really help me with this current project, which I have some devices (TV, Tablet, Computer and Cellphone) playing an .IFL sequence texture. It is all that`s missing on Vantage right now for this project, otherwise I`d have to render a pass just for the screens..

                    I wonder how complicated it would be to code this, since it already has a feature to load frame by frame my project, which includes an animated, rigged and skinned character, and it renders perfectly.

                    I`ve tried to load a VDB with VRay volume grid too, and it won`t render in Vantage... but in VRay GPU it works just fine.. Any clue on how to make VDB volumes render with Vantage?

                    Thank you once again!

                    My best,

                    Rodrigo Sotero


                    • #11
                      Hi Vladimir, Thank you for your feedback.

                      Do you have a nightly version with this IFL loading option so I could test it?
                      I am sorry, we don't have this ready yet, even in a nightly build.

                      I`ve tried to load a VDB with VRay volume grid too, and it won`t render in Vantage... but in VRay GPU it works just fine.. Any clue on how to make VDB volumes render with Vantage?
                      Vantage doesn't support the V-Ray Volume Grid.
                      Vantage is a separate engine, so the feature set is not the same as V-Ray GPU.

                      Vladimir Nedev
                      Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


                      • #12
                        Hi Vladimir,

                        How sad, this IFL texture loading would really save me some precious time.. Together with the Volume Grid loading as well. I'll have to render it both in separate passes, since I'll have separate post treatment at the screen projection and in a smoke from Phoenix FD.

                        Since everytime I load a scene into Vantage, the VRay Frame buffer opens and closes a few times, I thought that maybe a hybrid method using the VRay GPU could be used with Vantage, so it could have a workaround to make those features work with Vantage, since both works with VRay GPU.

                        Well, I really wish you guys could add those features in a wishlist, since are of a very common use for Vantage projects, like those architectural walkthroughts with a TV turned on and a smoke coming out from a fireplace or a cup of coffee .. =)))

                        And come on, lots of users migrating to Unreal Engine for those features, please make it available as soon as possible for us VRay Collection users, it would be really appreciated!

                        My best,

                        Rodrigo Sotero


                        • #13
                          At present, there is no other way to replace ifl, so many dynamic LEDs that must be implemented are directly in a state of non-manufacturability. I think the vantage team should support ifl as a priority


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by q976431 View Post
                            At present, there is no other way to replace ifl, so many dynamic LEDs that must be implemented are directly in a state of non-manufacturability. I think the vantage team should support ifl as a priority
                            Yes, it's at very high priority.

                            Vladimir Nedev
                            Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


                            • #15
                              Awesome, Vladimir!! Is this high priority going to give us this feature by next week, so I can use it in my current project which needs this feature badly??? .. Even a nightly, beta version, just to test the feature, would be amazing to have =)

