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Vantage Crash (minidump)

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  • Vantage Crash (minidump)

    i use live link for my renders
    after 3 hours rendering vantage do crash and make dump file
    my pc have 64 gig memory and rtx 9030 graphic card

    dump files :

    Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFFFF1B4FD9 in Vantage_b1390519_p21416.dmp: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x000000D9D5B17DB0.

  • #2
    Hi hamid_golizade,

    From the message it seems that the GPU could have run out of memory. Is your scene heavy, at what resolution and settings are you rendering?

    Best regards,
    Alexander Atanasov

    V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



    • #3
      Originally posted by Alexander.Atanasov View Post
      Hi hamid_golizade,

      From the message it seems that the GPU could have run out of memory. Is your scene heavy, at what resolution and settings are you rendering?

      Best regards,
      hi alexander
      this is my scene and taskmanager and settings screenshot

      befor render:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture1.JPG
Views:	2977
Size:	355.2 KB
ID:	1150870

      after render :

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture2.JPG
Views:	2996
Size:	254.0 KB
ID:	1150871


      • #4
        All the minidumps show that Vantage crashed while allocating a piece of memory while processing some geometry instancer sent through the live link. It looks like a genuine lack of sufficient RAM.
        Nikola Goranov
        Chaos Developer


        • #5
          Originally posted by npg View Post
          All the minidumps show that Vantage crashed while allocating a piece of memory while processing some geometry instancer sent through the live link. It looks like a genuine lack of sufficient RAM.
          hi npg thank you for answering.
          your mean is vram or pc ram?


          • #6
            I mean CPU RAM. If the crash was because of VRAM you would get a "Direct3D error" instead.

            From your screenshot it looks like you only had about 10-11GB free before you started the render. Some additional memory is used while processing the scene and I guess your scene was simply too big. See if you can close any other processes that use a lot of RAM, such as browser etc. (unfortunately Max is one of them, but it has to stay).

            Is your OS page file enabled (and how large is it)? The OS may be able to prevent the crash by swapping memory to the page file.
            Nikola Goranov
            Chaos Developer


            • #7
              Any idea why vantage keeps crashing on any vrscene exported directly to vantage no matter the size where vram and ram is nowhere near full after I press either of "w,q,e,r" to access the transforms, it works fine for navigation with right click pressed. I can HQ render any number of images but as soon as I press those I get a instant crash. Drivers are up to date (not the recommended ones though), video card a rtx 3060


              • #8
                Hi titan3,

                You mean you get an instant crash if you try to access the transforms (select, move, rotate, scale), otherwise it works fine? Can you send the debug log( %AppData%\Chaos Group\Vantage.) and the dump file if any is generated(Vantage_########_######.dmp located in %temp%)?

                Best regards,
                Alexander Atanasov

                V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA


