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3dsmax does not respond during real-time link

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  • 3dsmax does not respond during real-time link

    When I use real-time links or use plug-ins to render sequences, sometimes 3dsmax will not respond because of this situation, and then do nothing. It will not continue until I end the CMD process in the task manager. Maybe you can use c# instead, because sometimes CMD will have problems

    Click image for larger version

Name:	0001.jpg
Views:	180
Size:	4.1 KB
ID:	1153024

  • #2
    In addition, under win10, if Vantage is in an unresponsive state, and then I end it through the task manager, my whole computer will crash, and I can only press the power button again.
    This situation does not appear in win11


    • #3
      At the same time, I also found a problem. I have a scene that requires 10GB of video memory. I use 3090. When I enable safe GPU allocations, my FPS is significantly reduced, and when rendering the final sequence, it takes 10 minutes for each frame, and the GPU presents a peak shape. When I turn off safe GPU allocations, my frame rate is significantly increased,. The final rendering takes only 90 seconds. Will this switch affect GPU computing performance?

      Click image for larger version

Name:	111111.png
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Size:	13.9 KB
ID:	1153040
      Attached Files


      • #4
        When I use real-time links or use plug-ins to render sequences, sometimes 3dsmax will not respond because of this situation, and then do nothing.
        What plug-ins are you using ? Can you describe the situation in more detail (step by step what you are doing) ?

        It will not continue until I end the CMD process in the task manager. Maybe you can use c# instead, because sometimes CMD will have problems
        I don't think we are starting any cmd.exe process. Again, I don't quite understand.

        In addition, under win10, if Vantage is in an unresponsive state, and then I end it through the task manager, my whole computer will crash, and I can only press the power button again.
        This situation does not appear in win11
        Could be some win 11 improvement related to system stability when a process runs out of GPU memory.

        At the same time, I also found a problem. I have a scene that requires 10GB of video memory. I use 3090. When I enable safe GPU allocations, my FPS is significantly reduced, and when rendering the final sequence, it takes 10 minutes for each frame, and the GPU presents a peak shape. When I turn off safe GPU allocations, my frame rate is significantly increased,. The final rendering takes only 90 seconds. Will this switch affect GPU computing performance?
        This is surprising, "safe GPU allocations" shouldn't affect the FPS.
        Are you sure this is the cause, maybe it's just random ?

        You are the second person complaining about <1 FPS performance.
        Does this happen on win 10 or win 11, what's the driver version ?

        Can you install GPU-Z and check your GPUs temperature and clock speed when this happens ?
        I suspect throttling due to high GPU temperature or a bug in the driver -
        there was a complaint about this when drivers 5xx.xx were released and I don't think the cause was found.

        Vladimir Nedev
        Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


        • #5
          Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post

          What plug-ins are you using ? Can you describe the situation in more detail (step by step what you are doing) ?

          I don't think we are starting any cmd.exe process. Again, I don't quite understand.

          Could be some win 11 improvement related to system stability when a process runs out of GPU memory.

          This is surprising, "safe GPU allocations" shouldn't affect the FPS.
          Are you sure this is the cause, maybe it's just random ?

          You are the second person complaining about <1 FPS performance.
          Does this happen on win 10 or win 11, what's the driver version ?

          Can you install GPU-Z and check your GPUs temperature and clock speed when this happens ?
          I suspect throttling due to high GPU temperature or a bug in the driver -
          there was a complaint about this when drivers 5xx.xx were released and I don't think the cause was found.

          Vladimir Nedev
          《Render animation with chaos vantage》:This plug-in will use MAXscript to execute CMD commands to determine whether vantage exists. Unfortunately, CMD often has problems. At that time, it has been stationed in the background without subsequent operations, making 3dsamx wait for it all the time, unless I manually end CMD in the background

          I'm sure you used it, because I checked its code. When starting real-time links and rendering sequences, the vantage plug-in in 3dsmax will use the hidden doscommand of MAXscript and then use the tasklist to determine whether vantage exists. Hiddendoscommand will create a background CMD to execute the string you give it
          I find the code here:
          C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Vantage\dcc_ scripts\3dsMax\

          I just changed from win11 to win10. Maybe there are new problems?
          Because win11 will cause 3dsamx to inexplicably flash back

          I'm not sure if the first person is me, because I seem to have made similar remarks.
          I have also tried the latest driver patch and the previous driver patch. No effect
          Later, I tested on different computers. Why did I find this solution? Because I accidentally found that this option is off on one of the normal rendering computers, and the abnormal computer is on. When I turned off the security GPU allocation, it was normal. The exception is two different computers. I turned off this option, and they are all normal. I tried to open it, but this exception occurred again
          I will confirm this matter tomorrow. If necessary, I will record a video to illustrate its authenticity. Hope it's probability, not that this option really affects it. Now it seems to have something to do with it
          Last edited by q976431; 04-07-2022, 06:37 AM.


          • #6
            Latest news: as you said, it has nothing to do with safe GPU allocations, but now this exception still occurs. Sometimes it can reach 60fps, sometimes only 1fps, and different results appear on different computers and at different times. There is no difference in the scene.

            In addition, the exception of CMD reappears. It occasionally stops in the background and waits for the result. Make 3dsmax in a waiting state.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	000000.jpg
Views:	211
Size:	25.5 KB
ID:	1153069
            Last edited by q976431; 04-07-2022, 08:27 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by q976431 View Post
              Latest news: as you said, it has nothing to do with safe GPU allocations, but now this exception still occurs. Sometimes it can reach 60fps, sometimes only 1fps, and different results appear on different computers and at different times. There is no difference in the scene.
              Can you install GPU-Z and check your GPUs temperature and clock speed when this happens ?

              Maybe go back to a 49x.xx driver and see if the problem is reproducible there too?

              Vladimir Nedev
              Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


              • #8
                Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post

                Can you install GPU-Z and check your GPUs temperature and clock speed when this happens ?

                Maybe go back to a 49x.xx driver and see if the problem is reproducible there too?

                Vladimir Nedev
                I will try again tomorrow, hoping to find the problem. Now it appears randomly. It's hard for me to find a solution


                • #9
                  Do you have the "Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling" option enabled in the Windows Graphics settings (on either Win10 or Win11)? Does it make a difference if you toggle this option?
                  Nikola Goranov
                  Chaos Developer

