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Animation in Vantage

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  • Animation in Vantage

    Hi everybody,

    I am pretty new to Vantage and was wondering, if someone could help me with a few questions regarding the workflow and limitations.
    My current workflow is preparing the scene in cinema 4d, then saving it as a vrscene and finale importing it into Vantage. This works wonderful and I am really happy about it.
    Now I would like to do a few couple of things, which I tried out, but are not 100% working. Maybe you have some ideas or work arounds.

    1. I would like to have some animated characters in it. They are only in the background so I would like to load an alembic file of a loopable animated character in it. Unfortunately only the first frame is loaded. Is there again a limitation in Vantage? How would you do it?

    2. If I am having multiple camera in my cinema 4d scene, only one camera is loaded into Vantage. Is there some way to load more than one camera?

    Thanks a lot for your help and have a nice afternoon


  • #2
    1. I would like to have some animated characters in it. They are only in the background so I would like to load an alembic file of a loopable animated character in it. Unfortunately only the first frame is loaded. Is there again a limitation in Vantage? How would you do it?
    We are working on enabling this functionality.

    Vladimir Nedev
    Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


    • #3
      2. If I am having multiple camera in my cinema 4d scene, only one camera is loaded into Vantage. Is there some way to load more than one camera?
      This is a limitation of V-Ray for Cinema 4D. They will have to implement support for it.
      Nikola Goranov
      Chaos Developer

