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About enable ray termination

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  • About enable ray termination

    I tried to use this function for a period of time, and I found that opening it can always improve FPS. But there is no obvious sampling noise in the final rendering. Will it be left on by default in the future? Is there any other side effect of it?

  • #2
    Hi q976431,

    In my tests I found that it is suitable for day scenes but in poorly lit areas and scenes it gets quite noisy and it requires quite a lot of time to produce the same quality compared to when it is disabled. In what scenarios have you tested it? You can always enable it and use the Edit>Save Scene Setting as Default option so it is enabled every time you open Vantage.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Atanasov

    V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



    • #3
      Originally posted by Alexander.Atanasov View Post
      Hi q976431,

      In my tests I found that it is suitable for day scenes but in poorly lit areas and scenes it gets quite noisy and it requires quite a lot of time to produce the same quality compared to when it is disabled. In what scenarios have you tested it? You can always enable it and use the Edit>Save Scene Setting as Default option so it is enabled every time you open Vantage.

      Best regards,
      I use it more for night scenes, because there are so many lights that the FPS is very low and it takes a long time to render, so I turn it on, the FPS is higher, the rendering speed is faster, and I don't find any obvious noise.

