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Cameras from 3ds Max added to Queue and rendered from Queue render often a slighly wrong Perspektive (FOV)

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  • Cameras from 3ds Max added to Queue and rendered from Queue render often a slighly wrong Perspektive (FOV)

    Hi, I am using the "export and send current scene" button to send my scene and all its cameras to Vantage. Than I use High Quality Render -> Add to Queue and Start Queue to render out all my cameras. With each round I get slightly different views (FOV perspective clipping) for the cameras in the queue, This is extremely common when there is a large position or FOV change from one camera to the next. It seems like Vantage internally uses the camera transform animation and does not wait until the camera reaches it's final position and settings.

    The only way to get consistent results is manually rendering out all the cameras, by clicking them one by one on the left side panel, which is quite annoying.

    I see this behavior with Max 2020 and Max 2023, I am using Vantage 1.8.3 (same with 1.8.2 and earlier) and Vray 6 Hotfix 3.

    Is there a way to disable this camera "transform" animation or increase the time for this animation and settling in the final position.

  • #2
    Hi Aysberg,

    You can remove the camera transition animation by going to Edit>Preferences>Interaction>Camera transition time and set it to 0. This way the switch should happen instantly. Please check if this resolves the issue.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Atanasov

    V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



    • #3
      Sadly changing transition time to 0 does not help. It even makes it worth, With transition time 0, I can click the left camera pane and get three different settings for each camera.

      In this gif I am just left clicking the [Home] / [F1] camera and get different result with each click.After three clicks, it settles to one setting, corresponding to the next camera on the stack, so [Home] is PhysCamera002 and [F1] is PhysicalCamere003. This only happens with transition time 0, with 1s it's OK or normal, still producing the wrong FOV in queue renderings.

      .. Click image for larger version  Name:	Vanatage_Transition_Time_0.gif Views:	0 Size:	479.0 KB ID:	1167861

      Here I am clicking on the Camera31 after I finished the queue, as you can see by the FOV change on update, the rendering from the queue was done with a different/wrong FOV-

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Vanatage_FOV_Update.gif
Views:	140
Size:	23.0 KB
ID:	1167863
      Last edited by Aysberg; 13-12-2022, 12:30 PM.


      • #4
        Hi Aysberg,

        Can you please send us a vrscene with only the cameras inside so we can take a look

        Best regards,
        Alexander Atanasov

        V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA


