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Loss of details on materials

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  • Loss of details on materials

    Hi there,

    I have issues with losing too much details on materials, or this is normal for Nvidia denoiser?

    I tried all different settings, on/off dynamic textures, my scene my materials, different scene that Chaos provided me for testing, cosmos materials, same problem.

    All I found that denoiser is a problem, once it’s off, everything is fine. I’m using RTX 4090

    Don't know if this help, I'm using Nvidia Studio Driver Version: 531.61, on my first start Vantage give me this warning: [Wrn] Driver check warning: Driver 531.61 is newer than the latest tested version which is 517.40
    Attached Files

  • #2
    The Vantage denoisers are primarily to help interactive work or preview animations and are not intended for final frame results.

    Kind regards,

    - Phil
    - Phil

    VP Product Management, Chaos Group


    • #3
      So for final render and rendering animation I should turn off denoiser completely?
      I was told by other Chaos mods that by default Vantage use Combined method for interactive viewport, and NV AI denoiser when you doing HQ renders.


      • #4
        And render in attachment is Final frame, not preview from Vantage viewport


        • #5
          Having the denoiser off, and rendering a sufficient number of samples, will always deliver the highest quality. It's then a subjective tradeoff of denoiser artifacts vs. time saved as you increase the denoise % for final frame. In the end, it's your judgement call for what you value most for your current rendering session.
          - Phil

          VP Product Management, Chaos Group


          • #6
            Ya...I started turning off denoiser even while working. I haven't tested it for animations yet.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Luma3d View Post
              Ya...I started turning off the denoiser even while working. I haven't tested it for animations yet.
              Yea, denoiser is pretty aggressive, it would be nice if there is an option/slider to set the Intensity of denoising from 0 to 100%, or something completely different, I like how Corona rendered denoising, and you can setup Intensity of denoising


              • #8
                The NVIDIA AI denoiser does not have a "strength" setting or similar. We can only turn it on or off.
                The Vantage denoisers are primarily to help interactive work or preview animations and are not intended for final frame results.
                This is true for the denoiser called "Vantage" in the UI. The AI denoiser is allowed for final renders and often works well.

                The problem with the example in the first post is that there is a bump map (I assume) that has very fine detail relative to this view distance, so it looks like noise to the denoiser and it gets "confused" and blurs it. It's a known issue with the AI denoiser. We may have a better solution in a few months but I can't give more details.
                Nikola Goranov
                Chaos Developer


                • #9
                  Originally posted by npg View Post
                  It's a known issue with the AI denoiser. We may have a better solution in a few months but I can't give more details.
                  Exacly, I tested few more scenes and it appears that AI denoiser doesn’t like fine/detailed bump/normal maps.

                  New or a lot more improved current denoiser would be game changer, and can’t wait for it to be released!

                  Thank you


                  • #10
                    Well, since it was officially released a few days ago, I can now say we're integrating OIDN 2.0 for our next major update. It's better at these fine details but it still doesn't have a temporal mode, so animation results may flicker a bit, depending on the scene.
                    Nikola Goranov
                    Chaos Developer


                    • #11
                      Will there be a workaround for the flickering if it does occur?


                      • #12
                        If increased sampling is not enough to avoid animation flickering with the Intel denoiser you may have to revert to the NVIDIA denoiser which at least has the temporally stable mode.
                        Nikola Goranov
                        Chaos Developer


                        • #13
                          More samples longer render times, no? I was hoping with the new update, we would get faster, flicker free animations.

