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Vantage and 3ds Max Cameras

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  • Vantage and 3ds Max Cameras

    Two part question.
    It looks as though the ability to animate focus distance with depth of field was added a few versions ago. Im new to vantage and curious if someone could explain to me how this is done or point me to some instructions.
    Also can you bring animated cameras into Vantage? I can get them to come across with all their settings with the .vrayscene and they will be in their correct locations but I cannot get their animated paths into Vantage. Can this be done?
    I tried to "hack it" and do a camera path record in vantage while I played it in 3ds max but as soon as vantage was linked the timeline would no longer play.

    Im on a crazy sudden deadline and traditional vray animation will not be possible, hence diving into vantage.

    Thanks for all your help.

  • #2
    Are you rendering through the Live Link?

    I've had no problems with animated cameras or animating the DOF. Just set up the camera as you would normally in Max, animate it, and when you're ready, hit "Render Animation with Chaos Vantage".
    Dean Punchard > Head of CGI at HUB


    • #3
      That's it. Thanks! I didn't have it live linked before rendering with Vantage. I just had vantage opened, and it would tell me I needed vantage open first, so I was confused. Thanks so much. Easy solution.

