Hi, I see a strange effect in my renderings using VRayMultiSubTex and refractive materials.
In the sample you see stripes with different refractive materials, a first row of boxes with VRayMultiSubTex get ID from random by node handle (here the option does not matter) and a row of boxes in the back using four separate materials with the colored textures.
As you can see, some of the refractive materials seem to only use the VRayMultiSubTex in the first slot (blue), while others render correctly. Top to bottom (Default VrayMtl with 0,5 refraction, next from the mat library Glass_Tinted_Grey, Glass_Tinted_Black, Glass_Coated_Blue, Glass_Coated_Red).
Is this a known bug or by design? Since some materials work and the materials without MultiSubTex work too, I guess it's a bug.
I am using Max 2024.2, Vray 6.2 and Vantage 2.2.0.

In the sample you see stripes with different refractive materials, a first row of boxes with VRayMultiSubTex get ID from random by node handle (here the option does not matter) and a row of boxes in the back using four separate materials with the colored textures.
As you can see, some of the refractive materials seem to only use the VRayMultiSubTex in the first slot (blue), while others render correctly. Top to bottom (Default VrayMtl with 0,5 refraction, next from the mat library Glass_Tinted_Grey, Glass_Tinted_Black, Glass_Coated_Blue, Glass_Coated_Red).
Is this a known bug or by design? Since some materials work and the materials without MultiSubTex work too, I guess it's a bug.
I am using Max 2024.2, Vray 6.2 and Vantage 2.2.0.