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Objects missing from the scene outliner

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  • Objects missing from the scene outliner

    Hi, I've run into an odd issue when running Vantage standalone with a large scene. After trying to hide everything in my scene to isolate just one or two objects, there are objects still appearing in my scene that are not listed in the outliner, so I have no way of hiding them. Also, the object that I wanted to isolate is also missing from the scene outliner, and it only appears in viewport when I hide the group it was a part of and then unhide it. It still won't display in the scene outliner after it displays in viewport though. I've attached a screen recording of the issue to better demonstrate the it.

    Please let me know if you know of any solution to this. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by caleb_dermyer; 06-08-2024, 08:56 AM.

  • #2
    I'm not sure, but I suspect if an object's full path name is duplicated (the name of everything in the hierarchy) there might be some issues like this. For example if you have "Building/Room/Door" more than once, which should be resolved if you rename the parent object such that everything has a distinct full path: "Building/Room/Door", "Building2/Room/Door" etc.
    Nikola Goranov
    Chaos Developer


    • #3
      Ahh, gotcha! I'm checking the original file right now to see if there are any duplicated object names in my scene. If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure I had made some edits to the 'Civil' group and then saved it out as it's own vrscene to merge back into the Vantage file. I thought I had deleted the previous 'Civil' group from the vantage file before hand, but could that have caused any issues?


      • #4
        It looks like none of the culprit objects have duplicate names, so I think it was an issue with not having deleted all of those objects out of Vantage before importing the new objects. I had everything organized in Layers in the 3ds max scene originally, and since layer parenting doesn't get translated in Vantage, I must have missed those assets. Do you know if Vantage has a way of automatically detecting pre-existing assets like 3ds max does when you merge a file to a scene?
        Last edited by caleb_dermyer; 06-08-2024, 08:56 AM.


        • #5
          Hi caleb_dermyer,

          Do you know if Vantage has a way of automatically detecting pre-existing assets like 3ds max does when you merge a file to a scene?
          No, we do not have such a mechanism of detecting assets with equal names as we cannot edit names for imported assets, they are only referenced in Vantage. Only created objects inside Vantage, like scatter, decals, lights, fur and cameras can be renamed.

          If you could send us the scene and vantage file we can investigate what might have happened. You can use the Chaos Help form with a link to the forum thread: You will have to include all asset files.

          Best regards,

          Alexander Atanasov

          V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA


