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Rendering HQ Snapshot keeps restarting

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  • Rendering HQ Snapshot keeps restarting

    Hi Chaos,

    I’ve had this issue for a while now, thinking it could be my GPU driver, or my machine, or it would be patched in an update, but the issue still persists.

    When rendering HQ snapshot with 4K resolution or higher & > 500 samples the render will restart suddenly, without restarting the progress bar, usually around the 85 - 90% mark, outputting renders after 10 minutes of rendering with only about 50-100 samples which looks terrible.

    Is this something that is being patched?



  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. You are talking about the HQ still image rendering am I correct?
    Does your issue happen in every scene even a new simple scene? What host app are you using (for example is it 3ds Max) and what are you Vantage and V-Ray versions?
    Please monitor you GPU resources and make sure you do not run out of memory.

    This is one simple scene (cosmos model) that I rendered with 4100x2306 resolution and 350 samples. I am using RTX4070 and Vantage 2.5.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1yJuHi_QzEZnus7C9s3bOAhQ01sYGZk-F&authuser=0.png
Views:	133
Size:	490.9 KB
ID:	1214061
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi Vladimir,

      I am talking about the HQ still image rendering yes.

      This issue only happens with relatively large scenes, but have encountered this issue using an RTX A6000 48GB VRAM Workstation GPU, with a scene that definitely falls within the memory bandwidth.

      I am using 3ds max 2025.2 as the host platform. Vantage and Vray versions are all up to date i.e. 2.5

      It will render well for about 400 - 600 samples (approximately, it can vary) and then it will restart the entire render i.e. lose all the data from the samples taken and start taking samples again from zero.

      It doesn’t always happen and that’s part of why it’s so irritating, is that I keep thinking it has been patched and then low and behold in the next project it will start happening again, when the scene becomes relatively complex.

      Seems to only happen on ultra quality, 4K resolution and abone and >500 / 600 samples. I’ve tested this on multiple machines and get the same thing happening every 10 or so renders. (It varies)

      The only thing I can think of is where the sample data is being stored? Is it in GPU or CPU memory? Something is hitting the ceiling and can’t cope with any more data, so the capacity becomes exhausted and it refreshes to allow the render to keep going, losing all the original sample data. I am monitoring both memory and it seems to still be within the bandwidth, so i can’t explain it.

      A simple solution I can think of is allowing HQ still image bucket rendering for production rendering (non realtime). If this were implemented it would save me headaches.

      Either way, keen to hear what you think the issue may be.




      • #4
        Hi, there is some issue somewhere. Could you send us one of the scenes that you recently had issues with? Please make sure you saved the settings you used and send us the vantage file as well. Could you try to reproduce the issue once again and send us the Vantage dump and log after the crash?
        Check if there is a file named like Vantage_****.dmp in your %TEMP% folder and share it if it exists (although you should have seen a popup message about it if it was created). Also if possible share the file %APPDATA%/Chaos Group/Vantage/debug_log.txt but only after the app crashes like that, because this file gets overwritten every time you start Vantage.​​
        For the scene you could use the support ticketing system as well if you have confidential material in it.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Thanks Vladimir,

          I will send you these files tomorrow.

          to note however, vantage doesn’t register the restarting of HQ rendering as a crash. So not sure if the dump file will assist, or even be created.




          • #6
            Ok if Vantage does not crash please send us only the scene. If you however experience a crash as well please send us the dump and log files as explained in my previous post.
            Vladimir Krastev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7
              Is Live Link active when this happens? How long does it take to render those 500 samples on your machine until it resets?
              Nikola Goranov
              Chaos Developer

