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Clarify VrayBumpMtl support

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  • Clarify VrayBumpMtl support

    Hello guys,
    Can you clarify exactly what is supported in VrayBumpMtl as I am trying to use a normal map and this doesn't look supported, with or without the UVW randomizer. It looks like you are only supporting a bitmap in the bump slot not the normal slot is that right?

    The below texture works correctly in Vray GPU but not Vantage


    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	225
Size:	141.8 KB
ID:	1214741

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. I replicated your setup but on my end the bump is rendering in Vantage. VRayNormalMap works as expected. There has to be something else in your setup. Could you send us a simple scene?
    Also what versions of V-Ray, Vantage and 3ds Max are you using?
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by rita_sobral View Post
      Hello guys,
      Can you clarify exactly what is supported in VrayBumpMtl as I am trying to use a normal map and this doesn't look supported, with or without the UVW randomizer. It looks like you are only supporting a bitmap in the bump slot not the normal slot is that right?

      The below texture works correctly in Vray GPU but not Vantage


      You are using two normal maps in your setup, Vantage supports only one.
      The innermost, in this case the one connected to VRayMtl, will be used.

      Vladimir Nedev
      Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


      • #4
        Thanks for confirming I added it to the ideas portal >


        • #5
          I am also facing the same issue with VrayBumpMtl in Vantage. I wanted to use VrayEdgesTex & Bump together. VrayBumpMtl is only option. Its works perfectly with Vray GPU but not for Vantage. Please let me know if there is any other way to use it in Vantage. Or it will fixed in future updates?
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Originally posted by madhur_jain View Post
            I am also facing the same issue with VrayBumpMtl in Vantage. I wanted to use VrayEdgesTex & Bump together. VrayBumpMtl is only option. Its works perfectly with Vray GPU but not for Vantage. Please let me know if there is any other way to use it in Vantage. Or it will fixed in future updates?
            This is the one setup that does not work in Vantage.
            Other ways to combine bump map + normal map + rounded edges should work in both V-Ray CPU and Vantage.
            They might not work in V-Ray GPU however.
            So, for now you will have to choose V-Ray CPU + Vantage, or V-Ray CPU + GPU.

            One possible setup:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	setup1.png
Views:	115
Size:	59.7 KB
ID:	1215672

            And another:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	setup2.png
Views:	83
Size:	61.2 KB
ID:	1215673

            In both cases you need the VRayNormaMap node only if you want both bump and normal map.

            Vladimir Nedev

            Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :

