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Vantage licence options - annoying lacks

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  • Vantage licence options - annoying lacks


    there is 2 annoying omissions in the vantage license.

    1. No material preview in 3dsmax with Vantage Licence. Do I really have to buy Vray licence for a ball preview in mtl editor, even if I don't render using vray at all?

    2. There is a scatter inside of vanatge and you can use it - but it has limied options, and can't be used with livelink.
    So if you wish to use chaos scatter from 3dsmax with Vantage, and you have Vantage licence - than you can't because there is no licence for chaos scatter. Nobody will buy vray licence for chaos scatter guys. - forest pack works much better and cost less for a lifetime licence.

    I definitely think that these two features should be included in the Vantage license (especially first) as a standalone rendering engine.

  • #2

    You can deactivate the V-Ray materials render preview from the Settings panel and use the 3ds max native one. Hope this will give you a better workflow in your case:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	JyOcGahTVe.png
Views:	130
Size:	41.1 KB
ID:	1221437

    About the scatter limitation, unfortunately they are separate software's and one type of product comes with different number and types of licenses.
    Attached Files
    Tashko Zashev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi, thank you for the answer.

      To render via Vantage you need to have set Vray GPU as a render engine. This switch is not available than.

      Btw, I deactived this with Vray 6 set, and no effect.
      I don't have rendered preview of vray materials in material editor - instead of this I have a black box.


      • #4
        You may need to also switch the Material preview renderer from the Common tab.
        I did a quick check (V-Ray 7 license off) and you should be able to get a basic diffuse colors for the swatches.
        Click image for larger version  Name:	KKavN5xkc7.png Views:	0 Size:	299.9 KB ID:	1221538
        the Slots need to be refreshed after the switch.

        Not sure how useful will be this workflow, but you can see how it goes.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by tashko.zashev; 29-11-2024, 11:58 PM.
        Tashko Zashev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Originally posted by mat_olszowy View Post
          To render via Vantage you need to have set Vray GPU as a render engine.
          Just to be clear for other readers, this requirement exists only in 3dsMax.
          Nikola Goranov
          Chaos Developer

