What a ingenious piece of software.
You definitely know all of this but here is my priority list to get it to a minimum archviz production level.
1. normal map support
2. individual bump map settings for each material
3. 2sidedmaterials for foliage
4. renderelements
5. displacement and/or parallax occlusion mapping
6. refraction glossiness
It's really fun to try out scenes with the Livelink and enjoy the interactivity.
I hope the development goes fast because I haven't had so much fun with an engine for a long time.
have a nice day and stay healthy.
You definitely know all of this but here is my priority list to get it to a minimum archviz production level.
1. normal map support
2. individual bump map settings for each material
3. 2sidedmaterials for foliage
4. renderelements
5. displacement and/or parallax occlusion mapping
6. refraction glossiness
It's really fun to try out scenes with the Livelink and enjoy the interactivity.
I hope the development goes fast because I haven't had so much fun with an engine for a long time.

have a nice day and stay healthy.