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My wish list for archviz

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  • My wish list for archviz

    What a ingenious piece of software.

    You definitely know all of this but here is my priority list to get it to a minimum archviz production level.

    1. normal map support
    2. individual bump map settings for each material
    3. 2sidedmaterials for foliage
    4. renderelements
    5. displacement and/or parallax occlusion mapping
    6. refraction glossiness

    It's really fun to try out scenes with the Livelink and enjoy the interactivity.
    I hope the development goes fast because I haven't had so much fun with an engine for a long time.
    have a nice day and stay healthy.

    Last edited by gonnerman; 04-12-2020, 08:43 AM.

  • #2
    1. normal map support
    We are working on this.
    How do you use normal maps ?
    Do you use just bitmaps, or do you combine them with TriPlanar/UVWRandomizer/Composite or other textures ?
    Do you combine the normal maps with an "additional" bump ?

    2. individual bump map settings for each material
    We already support the per-material bump amount and texture.
    Can you elaborate what you mean here ?

    4. renderelements
    Do you mean just the elements required to get a beauty pass back or do you have others in mind ? Like multi-matte for example ?

    For the rest of the points (2-sided material, displacement, parallax occlusion, refr glosiness), they are planned for the future, yes.

    Vladimir Nedev
    Last edited by vladimir.nedev; 04-12-2020, 09:28 AM.
    Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


    • #3
      I use Normalmaps as it is intended.
      Bitmap into vraynormalmap into material.
      Most of the time I use it without additional bumpmaps but the support of UVW Randomizer and triplanar would be desirable.

      Uh there I made a mistake. I am just not used to grayscale bumpmaps anymore. I drew conclusions too fast when I used it together with displaced geometry. Everything is ok and works.

      Yes, mainly multi-matt but many will also use other standard render elements. It's all about finishing in photoshop and having a little flexibility there.

      i would like to exchange 6. with vraydirt. i think more people could use that.

      thanks a lot. i am looking forward to the next improvements.

