I have been able to test Vantage for a bit now, and it's quite a breakthrough. Though I have the following wishes for the future for it to be a full blown product:
- Brush for painting models, especially useful for grass, and also other vegetation stuff
- Scattering ^ in relevance to the point above
- I can't clone objects inside Vantage?
- And this is for Cosmos as well; Imagine having animated vegetation ready for use in Vantage.
- More lens-effects and snacks like that
- Do changes in existing materials, and even import vray materials from a library or make new vray materials right within Vantage.
- I find the camera animation setup a bit counter-intuitive and unfinished
- Also for Cosmos: Animated HDRis, and loads of more geographically referenced vegetation. For us, scandinavia, or even more, Norway would be extremely useful to have ready for use, rather than having to spend time preparing and adding manually.
- I haven't tested this fully, but I got a feeling that more values could be animated.
- Render elements is a must, or at least very very useful in production
- And for production, yes, this could be good enough for production in many situations, as a competitor in tight projects where clients else would choose Twinmotion animations and images from untrained archviz people.
- I found it a little cumbersome to initiate livelink from a maxscene to Vantage. Is the user interface good enough here?
- As for animating things like separate lights etc, is the interface advanced enough to control/animate these parameters inside an animation? As for what I can understand, it's just animating transitions between state mods from one camera to another camera? Perhaps there is no way around a more detailed interface?
- I'm testing on a 3090 oc strix, and I'm impressed with the render times. Did 1000 frames in 1920x1080 in an hour, a job that would otherwise take 2 days on our cpu farm.