Dear Vantage team,
When working with vantage standalone and you compose your archviz scene lighting, the compact light tab is very handy cause you can click ,unclick on the left side of the light name.
SO this way I create my basic composition, by selecting which lights I want on and which off, the intensity and color. Then I need to fix few additional things like invisible , directionality.... so I switch to basic or advanced. but then when I have many lights groups like 20 I click fold all, but I could not see which are on and which off.
So I need to unfold each one to find the ones that are on to further work with them.
A solution would be that both in basic and advanced mode when all ligth groups are fold, if you can keep the click unclick button at the left of the name as in compact mode
This will make light composition much easier.
Thank you very much in advance
When working with vantage standalone and you compose your archviz scene lighting, the compact light tab is very handy cause you can click ,unclick on the left side of the light name.
SO this way I create my basic composition, by selecting which lights I want on and which off, the intensity and color. Then I need to fix few additional things like invisible , directionality.... so I switch to basic or advanced. but then when I have many lights groups like 20 I click fold all, but I could not see which are on and which off.
So I need to unfold each one to find the ones that are on to further work with them.
A solution would be that both in basic and advanced mode when all ligth groups are fold, if you can keep the click unclick button at the left of the name as in compact mode
This will make light composition much easier.
Thank you very much in advance