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Chaos Vantage 2.1.0

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  • Chaos Vantage 2.1.0

    Boa tarde, parabéns equipe pelo lançamento do Vantage 2.0.0, tem alguns recursos que precisam adicionar na próxima versão que é muito importante:

    1 - Editor de material (para que não precisemos instalar o V-Ray)
    2 - Live link tem que ser instalado junto com Vantage, e um botão para exportar vrscene se você não quiser trabalhar com o link ao vivo (para que não precisamos de V-Ray instalado)
    3 - Chaos Cosmos botão instalado junto com Vantage (para que não precisamos instalar V-Ray)
    4 - Botão Luzes, instalado junto com o Vantage (para que não precisemos instalar o V-Ray)
    5 - Mapa de deslocamento
    6 - Cantos arredondados diretamente no material

    Acho que essas funções são muito importantes, para quem só precisa do Chaos Vantage, o programa tem que ser desvinculado do V-Ray totalmente

    E acho que deveria ter uma página dos recursos que estão funcionando, para que os usuários possam dar suas opiniões e adicionar novos recursos a serem implementados para o futuro do Chaos Vantage


  • #2
    Hi thalles1990,

    We have your 1, 5, 6 requests already logged in our system and will be added in the future. Chaos Cosmos is installed together with Vantage and you do not need V-Ray for it. You can access Chaos Cosmos within Chaos Vantage from the top toolbar(the button is not available when in Live Link). With Vantage 2 you can now create lights from the Create Light button in the top toolbar from inside the application (button is not available when in Live Link).

    Also could you please, if possible, post your questions and request in English so that there is minimum chance of something getting lost in translation.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Atanasov

    V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



    • #3
      Good morning, nice to know that the 1,5 and 6 will be added in the program

      What about question 2?

      And about the Cosmos and the lights, I meant to have the proxies inside SketchUp, and the lights also to be easier to work with within SketchUp


      • #4
        Hi thalles1990,

        Regarding question 2 - you do not need an active V-Ray license but you do need V-Ray installed(trial or commercial) to be able to export to work with Vantage via Live link or export .vrscene from 3ds Max and Cinema4D(render node is required for vrscene export, but not for Live link). You can still create lights, materials, cameras and modify them but you will not be able to render them with V-Ray.

        Best regards,
        Last edited by Alexander.Atanasov; 30-06-2023, 06:56 AM.
        Alexander Atanasov

        V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA


