Dear Vantage team
Very often when we use anima 4d people , or animated trees, or animated scatter... rendering animation through live link becomes slow, mainly because of the time it takes to swap between frames, (I mean it renders fast and then stops for 5 second until it moves to the next frame)
The same scene if I export to vantage standalone it renders very fast cuase there is no delay between frames.
This makes standalone more appealing but at the same time exporting animated vrscenes is time consuming and there are many things that you cannot do. (like animated contraints, as follow camera, look at object , slice modifier and many others)
If you manage to find a way to solve this , live link render animation will be very intuitive and will advance our work significantly.
At the same topic, you have provided two options with live link render animation, (one using VANtage UI, one not) but they seam to look exactly the same. And usually when animation starts to render things that you have defined in vantage, are lost, and this is very very annoying.
It should be that one of the two options just renders exactly whatyou see in vantage viewport, ignoring totally 3ds max settings (for lighting, volumetric fog.....) and the other one to privillede 3ds max settings.
Very often when we use anima 4d people , or animated trees, or animated scatter... rendering animation through live link becomes slow, mainly because of the time it takes to swap between frames, (I mean it renders fast and then stops for 5 second until it moves to the next frame)
The same scene if I export to vantage standalone it renders very fast cuase there is no delay between frames.
This makes standalone more appealing but at the same time exporting animated vrscenes is time consuming and there are many things that you cannot do. (like animated contraints, as follow camera, look at object , slice modifier and many others)
If you manage to find a way to solve this , live link render animation will be very intuitive and will advance our work significantly.
At the same topic, you have provided two options with live link render animation, (one using VANtage UI, one not) but they seam to look exactly the same. And usually when animation starts to render things that you have defined in vantage, are lost, and this is very very annoying.
It should be that one of the two options just renders exactly whatyou see in vantage viewport, ignoring totally 3ds max settings (for lighting, volumetric fog.....) and the other one to privillede 3ds max settings.