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Save the denoised and noised image at the same time

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  • Save the denoised and noised image at the same time


    it will be very useful, also for debug purpose, to save both render (noised and denoised) at the same time.

    Do you think it will be possible?

    Thank you!

    VRay - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book
    Corona - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book

    --- FACEBOOK ---

  • #2
    You can save the raw image from the list of render elements, as "Raw RGBA". Note that it will not include post-processing like color corrections.
    Nikola Goranov
    Chaos Developer


    • #3
      Thank you Nikola =) I didn't know that!

      So, is it possible to add the post-processing effects also to the "Raw RGBA" or add the possibility to save the Beauty pass with Color Correcction applied and no DENOISE?
      In Corona we have this possibility usinbg Render passes BEAUTY, and it's very useful, especially for debugging purpose.

      Thank you!

      VRay - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book
      Corona - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book

      --- FACEBOOK ---


      • #4
        You can render without a denoiser by simply un-checking the denoiser checkbox in the render dialog. A noisy image WITH post-processing will be saved. Or you can save the raw render WITHOUT post-processing through "Raw RGBA". And finally for a denoised image without post-processing just toggle off the post-effects before rendering (the icon with 3 circles seen below).

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	24
Size:	11.8 KB
ID:	1229185
        Nikola Goranov
        Chaos Developer


        • #5
          There is one more difference if you're saving PNG format - Raw RGBA does not include the sRGB conversion - it saves the original linear values. If you are saving EXR both "beauty" and "raw rgba" are linear and we exclude post-processing because it causes clamping and loses the HDR that EXR is used for.
          Last edited by npg; 19-03-2025, 07:54 AM.
          Nikola Goranov
          Chaos Developer


          • #6
            Hi Nikola =)

            yes, I know why the Raw RGBA is saved in linear way and I know well the clamping topic.

            My request is to save, at the same time (so, in a single render), both noised and denoised versions with baked Color Correction (post effects), without the need to render the images twice, as it already happen in Corona thanks to the 3ds Max Render elements BEAUTY.
            I don't want to waste resources (time and electricity) to re-render these two versions.
            Vantage already calculates the noised version, then it apply the denoising. I don't think this request will required a lot of programming.
            It will be very useful so save both versions =)
            I hope you understand my request.


            VRay - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book
            Corona - THE COMPLETE GUIDE - The book

            --- FACEBOOK ---


            • #7
              Hi cecofuli,

              Thank you for the suggestion! Can you please post this and all future ideas in the Chaos Vantage Idea portal (​) where other users can vote on suggested ideas(one idea per requested feature as it will be easier for tracking and voting) and see statuses (Pending, Accepted, Planned, Released, Declined) on ideas. Additionally users will be notified on status change and added comments.

              Best regards,
              Last edited by Alexander.Atanasov; 20-03-2025, 02:35 AM.
              Alexander Atanasov

              V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA


