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Docs on using ACES in Vray 5

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  • Docs on using ACES in Vray 5


    Would be nice to have a guide on ACES in Vray 5
    Vray has the best ACES implementation in my view and the workflow in Maya specially is quite simple. Having an official guide in Vray's docs is going to be helpful to users

    Here is Arnold's guide on using ACES,

    It is pretty good mostly and not that long.
    I don't like the example at the end of the page, and the bit about the images looking darker after the conversion is not correct.. but other than that, it is a good guide

    I've done a guide about ACES in Vray/Modo here.. the workflow is easier now in Vray 5, so no need to use OSL for converting the maps

    And here is another guide for Vray Next on ACEScentral

    Muhammed Hamed
    V-Ray GPU product specialist

  • #2
    Thank you, Muhammed for such a constructive suggestion!

    I'll definitely add it to the list of topics we need to cover. Currently, we are working on some topics specifically for V-Ray 5.


    Kristin Ivanova

    Technical Writer


    • #3

      And looking forward to what you guys are working on
      Muhammed Hamed
      V-Ray GPU product specialist


      • #4
        Muhammed_Hamed Thanks for that guide!

        I would definitely like to see an official Chaos guide as well. (Maya/Houdini) Collecting information from different web-sources makes things a bit confusing sometimes. And you never know for sure if you're doing it "right".


        • #5
          fredsnyder Cheers!

          ​​​​​​​We moved all our projects to ACES since March, we use Vray Houdini/Maya as well
          If you have questions about the workflow let me know, until we see official docs on this
          Muhammed Hamed
          V-Ray GPU product specialist


          • #6
            Originally posted by KristinIvanova View Post
            Thank you, Muhammed for such a constructive suggestion!

            I'll definitely add it to the list of topics we need to cover. Currently, we are working on some topics specifically for V-Ray 5.


            Hello, a guide on ACES in Vray is always in work ?


            • #7
              Hey all,
              We have a document explaining the ACEScg workflow in V-Ray 5 now.
              You can check it out here:

              Kristin Ivanova

              Technical Writer


              • #8
                You sould add that for Textures you need to use Utility-sRGB - Texture and not ACEScg.

                From the Arnold Help

                The main color spaces for conversion will be:
                • Utility-Linear - Rec.709 or sRGB - choose this for Linear images that use the Rec.709 or sRGB primaries/gamut (which are the same).
                • Utility-RAW - for images that do not require conversion (scalar masks, Displacement, Roughness).
                • Utility-Rec.709-Camera - for sRGB images, 8-16 bit (lightmaps, matte paints), (JPEG, PNG).
                • Utility-sRGB - Texture - recommended color space for sRGB image textures 8-16 bit (JPEG, PNG).
                Ryzen 5950, Geforce 3060, 128GB ram


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KristinIvanova View Post
                  Hey all,
                  We have a document explaining the ACEScg workflow in V-Ray 5 now.
                  You can check it out here:

                  oh my bad ! thank you !!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by oglu View Post
                    You sould add that for Textures you need to use Utility-sRGB - Texture and not ACEScg.

                    From the Arnold Help

                    The main color spaces for conversion will be:
                    • Utility-Linear - Rec.709 or sRGB - choose this for Linear images that use the Rec.709 or sRGB primaries/gamut (which are the same).
                    • Utility-RAW - for images that do not require conversion (scalar masks, Displacement, Roughness).
                    • Utility-Rec.709-Camera - for sRGB images, 8-16 bit (lightmaps, matte paints), (JPEG, PNG).
                    • Utility-sRGB - Texture - recommended color space for sRGB image textures 8-16 bit (JPEG, PNG).
                    Those would come as available options only when you use an OCIO config.
                    Alex Yolov
                    Product Manager
                    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                    • #11
                      KristinIvanova Thanks for the post!
                      You guys did a great job!

                      I have few suggestions,

                      1- About this part
                      V-Ray supports only ACEScg as the primary color space of choice in CGI and not other ACES versions like ACEScc or ACEScct.
                      The terminology here is not accurate, could say "ACES colorspaces" instead of "ACES versions"
                      I honestly think you shouldn't mention ACEScc/ACEScct here, they are intended for color grading.. no one uses them for CGI rendering anyways.

                      2-About this part
                      In all cases, in addition to bitmaps, V-Ray converts the light’s temperature settings, the V-Ray Sun & Sky, the VRayTemperature texture and the VRayMtl dispersion to the rendering color space.
                      Should add VRscans, lens effects and Hair shader to this, it is quite important to let people know they get converted to ACEScg(specially the Melanin in hair shader .. This is something that only Vray can do

                      3-About this part
                      Procedural colors are always treated as specified in the rendering color space by Maya, but displayed in your monitor’s color space in the interface.
                      This is not the case, color picking is specified by the ACES config file.. and users can change it to their liking
                      For example I changed mine to ACEScg.. so I would be picking my colors directly in ACEScg
                      By default it is set to Output - Rec709
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	notepad_OrYA0YKeh4.jpg
Views:	2237
Size:	123.4 KB
ID:	1081011

                      And this is what I have in the color picker,

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	maya_qsSR7VBPg6.jpg
Views:	2110
Size:	74.0 KB
ID:	1081012

                      4-About this part

                      The new Frame Buffer in V-Ray 5 provides a filmic tonemap correction in AMPAS mode that emulates the OCIO display transformation, which can be used instead of an OCIO configuration.
                      This mode doesn't look anything like using OCIO in the Frame buffer, see here

                      OCIO, using ACES sRGB view transform,

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	maya_OJr8G5R3F5.jpg
Views:	2364
Size:	994.6 KB
ID:	1081014

                      Filmic Tonemapping, using AMPAS preset

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	maya_MV2edpesCD.jpg
Views:	2101
Size:	958.4 KB
ID:	1081013

                      It would be nice to hear from the Devs what exactly this AMPAS preset does.. My workflow is to use the hable preset and play with the curve until I get something that I like(instead of using OCIO in the frame buffer)

                      6-About this part,

                      Download the Open Color IO configuration package from GitHub:
                      This is a very old download link to 1.0.3 version .. it is over 2 years old
                      Please use this link for the recent ACES 1.2 update

                      ACES 1.2 or even 1.1 are much better than 1.0.3 version, it solves some issues and adds more useful IDTs

                      And finally here, the numbering is wrong on the steps

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	msedge_poy4vAygqN.jpg
Views:	2123
Size:	214.3 KB
ID:	1081015

                      Thank you!
                      Muhammed Hamed
                      V-Ray GPU product specialist



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by oglu View Post
                        You sould add that for Textures you need to use Utility-sRGB - Texture and not ACEScg.

                        From the Arnold Help

                        The main color spaces for conversion will be:
                        • Utility-Linear - Rec.709 or sRGB - choose this for Linear images that use the Rec.709 or sRGB primaries/gamut (which are the same).
                        • Utility-RAW - for images that do not require conversion (scalar masks, Displacement, Roughness).
                        • Utility-Rec.709-Camera - for sRGB images, 8-16 bit (lightmaps, matte paints), (JPEG, PNG).
                        • Utility-sRGB - Texture - recommended color space for sRGB image textures 8-16 bit (JPEG, PNG).
                        +1 on this, it is necessary to add it to the thread
                        It is something that people do wrong on getting started with ACES
                        Muhammed Hamed
                        V-Ray GPU product specialist



                        • #13
                          Hey Muhammed_Hamed, thank you for your feedback - much appreciated!

                          We'll take these notes into consideration.

                          Point 6 + numbering (I see what you did there ) are corrected.

                          Kristin Ivanova

                          Technical Writer


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Muhammed_Hamed View Post

                            3-About this part

                            This is not the case, color picking is specified by the ACES config file.. and users can change it to their liking
                            For example I changed mine to ACEScg.. so I would be picking my colors directly in ACEScg
                            By default it is set to Output - Rec709
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	notepad_OrYA0YKeh4.jpg
Views:	2237
Size:	123.4 KB
ID:	1081011

                            And this is what I have in the color picker,

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	maya_qsSR7VBPg6.jpg
Views:	2110
Size:	74.0 KB
ID:	1081012

                            The Maya color picker lets you specify and preview a color in a custom color space, the rendering color space, with and without the display transform applied, yes. But the actual color value is always in the rendering color space. You can check that with a getAttr command. Maybe we can word it better to avoid confusion, but usually the case is exactly that - the underlying color value is always in the same space.
                            Alex Yolov
                            Product Manager
                            V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                            • #15
                              Can we get a similar guide for Max please?
                              Kind Regards,

