Hi! Sorry for the long title, but it's hard to one-hit the nail here.
For help on troubleshooting purposes, please add a list to the docs, which lists all files that are created or affected by VRay in the ENU folder of 3dsmax and all of its subfolders.
Also a list of all files (those from native 3dsmax) in that folder, which are not created or manipulated by VRay, but affect VRay when operating.
I mean this folder:
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\ 20XX - 64bit\ENU
Thank you and greetings!
I hope that this post will ever be seen, since this forum is waaaaaay down the page
For help on troubleshooting purposes, please add a list to the docs, which lists all files that are created or affected by VRay in the ENU folder of 3dsmax and all of its subfolders.
Also a list of all files (those from native 3dsmax) in that folder, which are not created or manipulated by VRay, but affect VRay when operating.
I mean this folder:
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\ 20XX - 64bit\ENU
Thank you and greetings!
I hope that this post will ever be seen, since this forum is waaaaaay down the page
