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Use two different account licenses at the same time

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  • Use two different account licenses at the same time

    I used to work with a vray dongle license (provided by my company) and a personal vray render node license (online).
    My company recently moved all licenses online and I would like to know how will I be able to keep using my own render node license since both belong to different accounts?


  • #2
    Hm, good question. I will have to ask.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      That's a bit tricky if you want to use a single machine with both accounts, but then again - if you have only 1 machine you'd need only a single license.

      Options are:

      - if you just want to switch between accounts you can do so by clicking on "Online licensing -> Deactivate" to log off in the license server menu (http://localhost:30304 in the internet browse on the computer that has the license server installed). Logging back in from Online licensing -> Enable will prompt you for username and password.

      - if you use more than 1 computer - you can have a license server installation on each computer and use a different username. You can share the licenses on both machines by entering each other's IP address as an alternate license server in the license settings

      - if you need both accounts on the same machine and no other exists (no VPN to your workplace license server etc) - you can set up a Virtual machine with limited resources to act as a second license server on your computer and add it's IP address in the license settings as an alternate license server.

      If you need assistance - don't hesitate to message us -
      Ivan Slavchev


      Chaos Group


      • #4
        Thanks for the support.
        I think I will install a secondary server because I have more than one machine.


