On the CHAOS download page, more and more users accidentally download and install Educational with the License Type option.
Many users do not understand that the Educational and Commercial versions of the installer are different. (Does not work if licenses do not match)
This bad design has greatly increased my work.
(I am a Japanese reseller support for CHAOS GROUP products.)
Please improve as follows.
Change the License Type options to the following three.
- Commercial [Default selection]
- Eduacational
- Trial [Same link as Commercial]
The Commercial selection should be placed above the Educational. Alternatively, Commercial should be selected by default.
And why does CHAOS GROUP still separate the installer for the Educational license from the installer for the Commercial license?
Isn't it a hassle to manage builds? There should be no difference in functionality between the current Commercial and Educational builds.
Many users do not understand that the Educational and Commercial versions of the installer are different. (Does not work if licenses do not match)
This bad design has greatly increased my work.
(I am a Japanese reseller support for CHAOS GROUP products.)
Please improve as follows.
Change the License Type options to the following three.
- Commercial [Default selection]
- Eduacational
- Trial [Same link as Commercial]
The Commercial selection should be placed above the Educational. Alternatively, Commercial should be selected by default.
And why does CHAOS GROUP still separate the installer for the Educational license from the installer for the Commercial license?
Isn't it a hassle to manage builds? There should be no difference in functionality between the current Commercial and Educational builds.