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How to upgrade to Next?

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  • How to upgrade to Next?

    Some questions regarding the upgrade to Next...
    I currently have one license for v3 on 3dsmax incl. 10 render nodes. I would like to upgrade this license (max and nodes) and add one license for Sketchup.
    My questions would be:
    - are the node licenses being upgraded to universal node licenses now, so that i will be able to also use them with the SU version (and swarm)?
    - Can i upgrade only some node licenses now (maybe 5) and the rest later?
    - How is the universal node installation working? Do i need to install max on the nodes?
    - I'm still using the dongle. I suppose, this isn't supported anymore with Next? What do i have to do to switch to online licensing?

  • #2

    - If you upgrade your V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Workstation package, you will be able to use V-Ray NEXT for 3ds Max only. You need to purchase V-Ray for Sketchup Workstation package, if you want to use V-Ray with Sketchup. Our render node licenses are universal since the release of V-Ray 3.0. This means that the render node licenses are the same for all V-Ray products. Render node licenses are used for rendering your scenes. In order to use V-Ray in 3ds Max/Sketchup you also need an Interface license. Interface licenses are platform specific (for 3ds Max/Sketchup/etc.)
    - Yes, you can upgrade some of your licenses and upgrade the rest when you want to
    - You are already using "universal" V-Ray license. Your Render 3.0 licenses are "universal" - render node licenses are the same for all V-Ray 3.0/NEXT products. The installation process for V-Ray 3.0 and V-Ray NEXT is exactly the same, there are no differences. Identical versions of V-Ray and 3ds Max are required, in order to use Distributed Rendering.
    - You need to migrate your dongle licenses to the Online licensing system. More information about how to do that can be found here:
    Nikolay Simeonov

    Technical Support Representative

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Thanks. So i still have to install 3dsmax on the nodes. But how can i use them with Sketchup?


      • #4
        Yes, you need 3ds Max installed on the render node machines, in order to use distributed rendering.

        When you purchase V-Ray for 3ds Max Workstation, you receive 1 Interface and 1 Render node license. The interface license allows you to edit your scene inside 3ds Max. The render node license allows you to render your scene. The Render node licenses can be used across multiple 3d platforms, but you need Interface license, in order to use V-Ray inside the particular platform. If you want to use your Render nodes for distributed rendering with Sketchup, you need to own 1 Workstation V-Ray for Sketchup license. The V-Ray for Sketchup workstation license will allow you to use V-Ray inside Sketchup. Then you can use your render node licenses, in a similar way to 3ds Max, to render your scene across multiple machines.

        More information about the V-Ray licensing system can be found here:
        Nikolay Simeonov

        Technical Support Representative

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          "Each machine participating in the render job requires a V-Ray 3.0 Render Node license."

          Does this mean i can use my V3 node licenses to install network rendering for Next for SU, or is this wrong information?


          • #6
            V-Ray 3.0 licenses can work only with V-Ray 3.X builds. You cannot use V-Ray 3.0 licenses with V-Ray NEXT builds. You can use your V3 Render node licenses with V-Ray 3.0 for Sketchup, but you need to actually own V-Ray for Sketchup Workstation license in the first place.
            I will give you an example - You have purchased 1 V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Workstation package and 5 additional Render nodes. The Workstation package contains 1 Interface and 1 Render node license, in total you own 1 Interface and 6 render node licenses. This will allow you to use distributed rendering with V-Ray for 3ds Max on 6 machines.
            In order to use your 6 render node licenses with distributed rendering and Sketchup, you will need 1 Workstation V-ray 3.0 for Sketchup package.

            If you already own V-Ray 3.0 for Sketchup workstation package, you will be able to use all your render node licenses for distributed rendering with Sketchup. If you do not own V-Ray for Sketchup workstation, you will not be able to use the render node licenses with it.
            Nikolay Simeonov

            Technical Support Representative

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              "V-Ray 3.0 licenses can work only with V-Ray 3.X builds"
              I thought so... Maybe this should be corrected in the documentation...
              Last edited by numerobis; 27-12-2019, 10:31 AM.


              • #8
                You are absolutely correct, I will contact our Documentation team immediately. Apologies for the misinformation.
                Nikolay Simeonov

                Technical Support Representative

                Chaos Group

