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Vray 3 lic but see Next and 5 in downloads:

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  • Vray 3 lic but see Next and 5 in downloads:

    I am using Vray 3 right now. I want to upgrade so I went to the download page and see that I can download Vray Next and 5. Are these versions available to me or are they trials? And which one is the latest? I saw a few months ago that Next was the current version, but now I am seeing 5 as the current version.

    What is the newest version? seems confusing to me.

  • #2
    Yes, we confirm that V-Ray 5 is the latest build. In order to work with the latest build, you will need to have a license otherwise it will show you a license error message.
    If you want to upgrade your license, please contact your local re-seller or go on our web page and choose the product you are interested in upgrading your license
    Stefan Isakov

    Technical Support Team Lead
    Contact Support



    • #3
      Thank you Stefan.


      • #4
        So If I go to buy now I will be getting Vray 5 for Maya? Just asking because it doesn't give the version number there.


        • #5
          Yes, you can purchase V-Ray for Maya license which is universal and it will allow you to work with the latest V-Ray for Maya builds.
          Stefan Isakov

          Technical Support Team Lead
          Contact Support


